Chaos Dwarf Aerial Supremacy – Two Flying units

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Author: Pwner1

Last revision: 27 Jun at 07:49 UTC

File size: 25.55 MB

On Steam Workshop


The Thunderbarge might have been one thing, but now their dark cousins will up it a notch!

Introduces heavy aerial units to the Chaos Dwarfs roster based technically on the Thunderbarge and Cathay Skyjunk and Regiments of Renown variants.

Principles of lift achieved by the heated gases to fill a balloon might lift a liftweight wooden ship, but that is not enough power to take the iron bastions imagined by daemonsmiths. With dark sciences and sorceries combined the Helstinger and Daemonbarge have taken on wings, or rather jet thrusters. Not only is it a bastion of iron, but it carries gunners, cannons and bombs to rain literal fire on enemies below.

The Helstinger is smaller flying machine with it’s main armament being a powerful cannon which fires not cannonballs, but innovative shell ammunition which will destroy high value monstrous targets with ease, it also carries in it’s bay powerful incendiary bombs to be dropped best on enemy infantry. The RoR variant, The Red Rust has a barrier, explosive shells, magical attacks and drops Dreadquake bombs, is daemonic,causes terror, has dread aversion and Hellcannon abilities.

The Daemonbarge is a floating fortress which carries on deck 8 gunners with suppressive blunderbusses and two naptha bomb throwers which apply fire weakness to enemies hit, it has two flamecannons and drops powerful bombs equal to Queen Bess blast in power, it also from it’s rear bays vents searing steam on enemies below. The RoR variant, Charred Drake has miniature magmacannons, and dreadquake payload, causes fear and encourages and is unbreakable.

They use warmachine unit caps and hould benefit from buffs, please report any errors and give feedback. THanks. Shoutouts to dudes in the Skeleton Crew for feedback.