Rise of the Xenomorphs

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Author: Eremus007

Last revision: 18 Oct, 2016 at 09:12 UTC

File size: 2.13 MB

On Steam Workshop


After the events in Alien: Resurrection, the ship carrying the aliens crashed in the forests of the United States of America, and as it crashed, it took the Aliens with it, and so the planet was safe.
At least, that’s what we were made to believe. One Royal Facehugger survived the crash, and is now crawling about in search for a host to make the new queen. Luckily for it, an innocent woman just happened to be walking by…
Funny thing is, you’re in control… Empress 😉

In the year 2127 Weyland Yutani died, but he had his memories transferred into an android to continue his legacy. This robot now controls the Weyland Yutani corporation, and the United Systems Military, who were trying to clone the alien for use as a bioweapon.

Xenomorphs are extraterrestrial parasitoid organisms with blood that contains hydrosulfuric acid. Their bodies are covered by thick, flexible exoskeleton plating. They undergo different stages to adulthood, starting out as chestbursters that hatch from other organisms. Overall, their lifestyle is similar to what one might see in wasps or ants.

Parasitoid: An organism that lives in or on its host with the intention of killing them. Normal parasites will try to keep their host alive, as a long relationship is to their advantage. Parasitoids will kill the host to grow and adapt.
Please leave a comment with the things that need changing, or things you would like to see in this scenario.


-Custom Icons
-Custom Events
-A different losing system
-Different Endings

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Many thanks to "Perception Filter" for fixing all of my grammatical errors and typos.
Check him out here: ► http://steamcommunity.com/id/PerceptionFilter/

Many thanks to "Bisstocuz" for translating the scenario into simplified Chinese.
Check him out here: ► http://steamcommunity.com/id/notealot

Many thanks to "Sigizmund" for translating the scenario into Russian.
Check him out here: ► http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014458905

Many thanks to "네로" for translating the scenario into Korean.
Check him out here: ► http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198106444862

Update: Translations are broken due to updates to the scenario creator and this scenario being quite old. So there is nothing I can do about this unfortunately.

Copyright 2017 [Eremus007]. This work is not autorised for publication by any other steam account, but that of Eremus007, Developers who work for "Ndemic Creations" and those who are permitted by Eremus007.

The Alien Franchise (c) 20th Century Fox Studios all rights reserved.