Reduced Court Size

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Author: Enriador

Last revision: 13 Aug, 2018 at 14:09 UTC

File size: 33.79 KB

On Steam Workshop


This simple mod will remove useless courtiers and improve long-term performance.

The "court prune" (behind-the-scenes action where irrelevant courtiers are silently removed from the game) has also been made stronger: any 1 year old or older person (in vanilla is 40!) who is absolutely useless (e.g. no honorary title or council job) and unconnected to important people will be removed in courts larger than 1 person (vanilla is 10).

If you are in doubt over whether someone is important or not, ask yourself:

1) Does the courtier has a Council job?
2) Does the courtier has a honorary title?
3) Does the courtier has a living parent, sibling, child, rival, friend or lover?
4) Does the courtier belong to a landed dynasty?

Only if you answer "No" to all these questions, will the courtier be pruned.

Thus, late game lag should be reduced somewhat.

This mod should be compatible with any mods that do not affect defines.lua’s NDefines.Diplomacy, but unfortunately it’s NOT Ironman compatible.