Electrothermal-Chemical Weapons

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Author: RealityMachina

Last revision: 8 Mar, 2017 at 21:37 UTC

File size: 163.39 MB

On Steam Workshop


Latest Update: Since weapon stats for LW2 are more identical to vanilla stats now, removed post template auto adjustment for weapon damage. Stuff like environmental damage and crit chance are still adjusted.

Uses Mr Kablamm0fish’s EU/EW Tier 1 Weaponry pack for a Tier 1.5 inserted between Conventional and Magnetic weapons, and adds in a kitbashed version of the AR for a SMG equivalent. Has +1 damage over conventional, 2 mod slots, and magnetic-level shredding.

The two techs added (ETC Weapons and Heavy ETC Weapons) are unlocked after researching Modular Weapons, and are required to research Magnetic Weapons.

Works automatically with Grimy’s Loot Mod (it auto-detects it and doesn’t need an .ini for it), and will conflict with other Tier 1.5 mods like Alternate Weapon Techs. Will modify LWS’s SMGs if detected.

This adds only the EU-era weapons, anything else you see is from other mods I had installed.

For Long War 2, the weapons have been re-worked to basically be an improved variant of Conventional Weapons that take less time to make than laser weapons. They retain schematic squad upgrade functionality (on the basis that these weapons basically take Shen having enough supplies to make the machinery required to upgrade the existing firearms, rather than making new weapons wholesale), but have had their stats adjusted so laser weapons are still superior.

The design intent is to add this as another option to weapon progression: giving the player a little boost in their base firepower, enabling them the option to skip lasers (or at least not heavily invest in it as much) in favour of magnetics.

Thanks to Mr Kablamm0fish for giving me permission to use his mod assets for this!