Dirty Troopers

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Author: harlequin565

Last revision: 14 Mar, 2016 at 09:19 UTC

File size: 122.42 MB

On Steam Workshop


A selection of dirty faces for your soldiers who couldn’t find the Avenger’s bathroom!

In total, 14 different face paints with assorted muck, scratches and cuts. Also included a "None" option for those not owning the DLC, allowing them to deselect. Dirt 14 designed to give a clean face around Capnbubs "Raised Goggles" accessory (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=618977388)

These paints don’t look their best on bald heads as the textures stretch around the back of the head – distorting the paint, so buyer beware for the folically challenged. The same applies to the neck region to a certain extent.

**Currently – with Anarchy’s Children, these faces look terrible on the new (unusually clean!) torsos. I’ll look into updating this with a fading neck dirt ASAP**

As I’ve been staring at dirt for many hours now, I’m starting to see things, so if there are ones you hate, please let me know in the comments and if I get enough nay sayers, I’ll change it.

First mod on Steam, so a big thankyou to UseYourIllusions for the YouTube tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r73v1C0dnoU

**Updated to remove ModShaderCache and add tags**