Wilhelm’s Wilderness Improvements

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Author: Wilhelm IX

Last revision: 25 Oct, 2018 at 22:22 UTC

File size: 435.2 KB

On Steam Workshop


Hello, this is my second mod for PZ.
I was bored with PZ flora so I decided to improve it.

New Forageables:

[imgbb.com] – Wild Carrots, similiar to normal ones.

[imgbb.com] – Wild Potatoes, similiar to normal ones.

– Wild Corn, wild variant of corn (Not similiar to sweet corn from can).

[imgbb.com] – Nettle Leaves, they are edible, and can be used in cooking recipes (stir fry for example). You can also make nettle tea from it, just add them to hot drink recipe, they have same stats as normal tea.

[imgbb.com] – Condiment Herbs, can be found in game world, but also can be foraged in the wild. Can be used to make Quality roll ups.

[imgbb.com] [imgbb.com] – Wild Wheat and Wheat Grains, you can make Wheat grains from wild wheat and make flour, by grinding wheat grains with stone.

[imgbb.com] – Tobacco, can be used to make roll ups.

[imgbb.com] – Roll ups, made with tobacco and newspaper, they are like normal cigarettes, only handmade. Useful for smokers when they’re run out of cigarettes.

[imgbb.com] – Quality roll ups, they are like normal roll ups, but enhanced with herbs and nettle leaves. They give better bonuses (stress reduction, unhappiness) and have small medical use. People were smoking nettle and other herbs for cough or teeth pain.

[imgbb.com] [imgbb.com] – Potato pancakes and omelettes, they can be made from stuff you will find in the wild (wild potatoes, wild eggs, wild wheat etc.) You can also add them to stir-fry recipe, so you can make them with anything you want! (omelettes with eggs,butter and bacon for breakfeast!)

[imgbb.com] – Birch bark, can be used as tinder.

[imgbb.com] – Dandelions, low foraging lvl is needed to obtain them. They can be used in stir fry, soup and salad. They aren’t too nutricious.

I also changed Wild Garlic, it’s now food item that can be used as spice.

New Animals:

[imgbb.com] [imgbb.com] [imgbb.com]

Snake – Can be catched in box or crate, snakes like eggs and dead mices/rats.

Pheasant – Big, tasty and hard to catch. Pheasants eats insects and seeds. You can catch them in snare, box, crate or cage.

Lizard – Better version of rat, can be catched in mouse trap. Lizard eats insects.

All these animals can be butchered to obtain meat that can be used in cooking recipes.

New traits:

[imgbb.com] – Archer, costs 6 points and gives +3 to Aiming and reloading. People with this trait can successfully use bow in fight.

[imgbb.com] – Forager. costs 4 points and gives +2 to Foraging and +1 to Farming. Useful skill if you want to scavenge those items above.

Other Stuff:

Bow and arrows script, 3D model and sounds are from TLOU mod, check it out! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=869169809

I used some Hydrocraft icons and slightly changed them (birch bark, condiment herbs, tobacco)

Thanks to Svarog for helping me with this mod, he answered me many questions about modding.

Also thanks to Michael (aka Miskis/MrCrow) http://steamcommunity.com/id/miskiszz/ he helped me, so I want to help him. He is good trader and he is currently making Unturned pvp servers named "ZombieSia" – http://www.zombiesia.com/

Check out my other mod! It works well with this – https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=941685801

I hope you will enjoy this mod, feel free to share suggestions and any issues.

Workshop ID: 1096904850