Squads for HW1R

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Author: Fred Mirelurk

Last revision: 3 Mar, 2015 at 20:09 UTC

File size: 53.25 KB

On Steam Workshop


This is a quickly hacked together mod that replaces individual Kushan strike craft with squads. Prices and construction time are based on the original prices and construction time for the ships, and I haven’t done any other rebalancing. Minelayers, repair corvettes, and salvage corvettes are still individuals, and now have a separate Utility Corvette unit cap completely separate from the corvette squad unit cap. I also threw in a modified parade script that puts captured Taiidan ships in a reasonable place — no more enormous line to the left of the Mothership when you hyperspace in.

The Taiidan version of the mod is here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=402276412
DO NOT install the Taiidan version if you’re playing the campaign, unless you want a challenge. INSTALL THEM BOTH if you want both Kushan and Taiidan strike craft to be in squadrons for multiplayer or skirmish.

To make this mod work well, I’ve disabled external docking of fighters with support frigates and repair corvettes; the scripts for external docking don’t know how to deal with squadrons. This makes support frigates even less useful than they already were without a fuel mechanic, and it increases the relevance of carriers.

Possible issues: I haven’t edited the campaign files to account for the changes, so the game might see that you only have 4 interceptors built and take pity on you when in reality you have 4 squads of interceptors. Stuff like that. You also start the game with 7 squads of scouts, rather than 7 individual scouts, so probably you should retire most of them unless you want to wreck the Turanics even harder than usual.