Better Walls

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Author: ActJustly.LoveMercy.WalkHumbly

Last revision: 15 May, 2019 at 21:57 UTC

File size: 3.07 KB

On Steam Workshop


Make Walls better late game (and a bit weaker early game) so you should actually consider building them.

  • Ancient Walls (T1) Defense HP decrease to 85 (from 100). Defense Strength is kept at 3.
  • Medieval Walls (T2), Renaissance Walls (T3) and Georgian’s Tsikhe (Ts) are 20% cheaper (225/305/265 to 180/245/210 respectively).
  • T2 and T3 Defense HP increased to 115/130 respectively. Ts is kept at 200 because if increased to 230, it will outperform Urban Defense and you actually lose 30HP when getting Steel.
  • T2 and T3 (and Ts) Outer Defense Strength increased to 6/10 (from 3). T1 is kept at 3.
  • T3 and Ts now provide 1 Housing.
  • Military Research (Military Academies, Seaports, and Renaissance Walls generate +2 Science) is no longer Obsolete (was obsolete at Space Race).
  • Limes and Bastions (increase Walls build production and strength) policies are now obsolete by Military Research instead of Public Works (just a bit later, now obsolete at Urbanization instead of Civil Engineering).
  • Siege Tactics base research cost decreased to 540 (from 600). It is now on par with Gunpowder and visually available before Metal Casting.

I appreciate any feedback. I planned to allow Gold Purchase as well but I think that would be terrible and Valetta would be even more underwhelmed. I am also adding a card that combines Limes and Bastions, probably at Guilds or Mercenaries. What do you think? I also wanted to allow building walls after Urban Defense for Tourism and Science purpose but it is not technically possible.