Modus Vivendi LITE: More Ruler Personalities

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Author: Worlds Smuggest Detective

Last revision: 20 Sep, 2019 at 22:29 UTC

File size: 865.28 KB

On Steam Workshop


This mod adds 67 more Ruler Personalities to the game, as well as a few events related to the personalities.

NOTE: This is a Lite version of the original "Modus Vivendi: More Ruler Personalities" mod. The original mod made it so the maximum number of ruler personalities is 5. Unfortunately, this causes a crash when viewing the ledger menus "Current Rulers" and "Previous Rulers."

So while I look into the bug, I have made this Lite version with only 3 max personalities for any who wish to avoid this bug.

The original mod can be found here:


These personalities are more complex than base personalities.

Many of them have both positive and negative aspects. This results in good, bad and neutral personality types; good personalities lean towards the positive, bad personalities lean towards the negative, while neutral is a balance of good and bad modifiers. Very good personalities such as Prodigy are also much less likely to appear.

These personalities will also affect AI behavior.

For example, a ruler with the Ambitious personality will declare war against enemies with equal military strength more often and wants neighboring land; however, an Ambitious ruler is less likely to be helped by other AI, as they fear that the Ambitious ruler will turn into a potential future threat and destroy the balance of power.

On the other hand, a Two-Faced ruler will be much more likely to sent gifts of goodwill to foreign nations, but will also have no issue with betraying them should an opportunity present itself.

***NOTE: The DLC ‘Rights of Man’ MUST be used alongside this mod. No other DLC or mod is required.

***The mod should be compatible with all other mods as long as Rights of Man is enabled. It is confirmed that it works with the mods Extended Timeline and Better Nation Designer and unlimited points (1.28)

***The personalities can also be used in Custom Nations.

(AI behaviors/effects can be seen in game by hovering over the ruler)


Jack of All Trades: +5% administrative efficiency (Need a 3/3/3 ruler)
Renaissance Man/Woman: +5% administrative efficiency, -5% idea cost (Need a 4/4/4 ruler)
Ambitious: -10% war exhaustion, +25% claim duration
Chaste: -5% heir chance, +0.25 papal influence/5% karma/25% church power
Fillialy Pious: +1 legitimacy, +1 yearly harmony (Must be Confucian)
Crusader: +5% army tradition from battle, +1 land leader shock, -3 tolerance heathen, -1 tolerance heretic (Must be Christian/Muslim)
Bishamonten: +10% land prestige, +5% land morale, -10% shock damage received, -15% spy offence, -25% rebel support efficiency (Must be Shinto religion OR Japanese culture)
Farr-Gifted: +1 legitimacy, -1 global unrest (Must be Zoroastrian OR Iranian culture group)
Peaceful Trader: +3 placed merchant power, +10% trade efficiency, +10% army tradition decay
Expert Propagandist: -10% reelection cost, +0.5 legitimacy, -1 global unrest
Gregarious: +10% improve relations, +1 advisor pool
Sotapanna: +50% monthly karma (Must be Buddhist)
Spiritual: +1 tolerance true faith
Keen Recruiter: +1 land leader shock/maneuver, +1 admiral shock/maneuver
Talented Poet: +0.5 prestige
Logistics Expert: -0.2 naval and land attrition
Humble: +1 advisor pool
Earthwork Expert: -10% build time, =10% development cost
Cultured: +1 diplomatic reputation
Crafty Merchant: +10% trade efficiency, +20% embargo efficiency
Impartial: -10% stability cost, -2.5% liberty desire in subjects
Puppet Master: +20% vassal force limit, +10% vassal income
Galvanizing Orator: -20% time to recruit regiments
Reliable: +1 diplomatic reputation; other AI are more likely to help
Defiant: +10% defensiveness
Provacateur: +25% power projection from insults, +10% spy offence
Populist: -1 global unrest, +1 advisor pool
Avowed Pacifist: -10% aggressive expansion impact (Must have been in peace for at least 10 years)
Good Caesar: +5% admin efficiency (Must have a 4/4/4 ruler, be Rome/Byzantium, or West Rome (Extended Timeline) OR be a custom nation in the Latin culture group)
Prodigy: +5% admin efficiency (Must be 15 years old (first trait))


Impaler: +10% loot amount, -25% harsh treatment cost, -40% improve relations
Extravagant: +10% build cost, -5% tax income, +40% improve relations
Easygoing: -2.5% discipline, -1 global unrest
Puritan: -2 tolerance of heretics, +0.5 church power/+1 monthly fervor (Must be Reformed/Protestant)
Seducer/Seductress: +10% spy offence, -10% advisor cost, and negative effects on papal influence/karma/etc.
Proud: -1 diplomatic reputation, +0.25 prestige
Cynical: -1 tolerance own, +20% spy defence
Trusting: -20% spy defence, +20% improve relations
Hotheaded: -0.5 diplomatic reputation, +10% recover morale speed
Reckless Leader: +0.1 war exhaustion, +0.1 shock damage
Unorthodox: -1 tolerance true faith, +1 tolerance heretics
Ethnocentric: -20% culture conversion cost, -5% expel minorities cost, +10% promote culture cost
Pyromaniac: +0.1 raze power gain, +10% loot amount, +1 years of nationalism
Ruthless: +0.1 raze power gain, +10% loot amount, -25% harsh treatment cost, +10% agressive expansion impact
Two-Faced: +1 diplomatic reputation, +2 global unrest
Overly Generous: -5% tax income, -2 global unrest


Paranoid: -1 advisor pool, -20% improve relations, +33% spy defence
Immature: -1 diplomatic reputation, -5% agressive expansion impact
Lustful: +5% heir chance, and negative impacts on religious modifiers
Unfaithful: +5% agressive expansion impact, and negative impacts on religious modifiers
Overbearing: +5% liberty desire in subjects
Indecisive: -10% movement speed
Sadistic: +2.5% liberty desire in subjects, +1 unrest, +10% stability cost
Barbaric: +25% possible mercenaries, -10% improve relations, -20% improve relations, -1 diplomatic reputation
Xenophobic: +100% promote culture cost, -20% same culture advisor cost
Inferiority Complex: -10% rival change cost, +10% building cost, +10% ship cost
Dull: +10% idea cost, -5% heir chance
Treacherous: -2 diplomatic reputation, -25% fabricate claims cost
Timid: +20% harsh treatment cost
Kinslayer: -1 diplomatic reputation, -5% heir chance, +0.25 legitimacy (Must be a monarchy)
Content: -10% spy offence
Delusional: +0.1 war exhaustion, -20% improve relations
Envious: +0.1 rival change cost, -25% improve relations
Slothful: +25% envoy travel time, +25% build time
Ignorant: +5% idea cost, AI will underestimate aggressive expansion
Unprincipled Ruffian: +2 global unrest, -10% harsh treatment cost
Senile: -1 diplomatic reputation (Must be at least 60 years of age)

Manual Download:

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Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man