Completion Marks for ALL Modded Chars!

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Author: JSG

Last revision: 21 Mar, 2017 at 19:08 UTC

File size: 9.22 KB

On Steam Workshop


This mod adds the ability to have "modded" completition marks for ALL(not just mine) modded characters and a special (from 0) one for normal characters too. You can access them by holding the TAB KEY/SELECT (the one you use to enlarge the map) in-game, they’ll appear in the top left corner (You can see it in the screenshot).

The original idea was to make it for "custom chars only" BUT, I’ll keep it for every character for now to support mods that replace the main chars (if the saves go nuts with too many chars i may switch to custom only at some point).

Backing up saves!

As you may know, mods can crash….and if a mod crashes while it’s saving well, the save is compromisded, so I strongly suggest to do backups of your saves. To do this head to "DocumentsMy GamesBinding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods", look up for the Completition marks folder and copy the "Save.dat" file to somewhere else and…thats it!

(Im talking about the mod’s savefile here, this has nothing to do with your normal game progress save)

Changing the position on the HUD

Until the release of this mod, I looked into every character and noticed a pattern in "where people tend to put hud elements on" and decided to place mine in an inconvenient location for compatibility. Now, however, the Samael mod placed his hud on the exact same location as this one, leaving me no options to "be compatible with everyone". So, if you use the Samael mod you may want to change the position of the hud on either my mod or on his mod.

To change the position of the marks you should:
1- Head to "DocumentsMy GamesBinding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods"
2- Look up for the "completionmarks_865535009" folder
3- Open the "Main.lua" file on notepad or the file editor of your choice
4- Look up (usually using Ctrl + F) the line "writebookanim:Render(Vector(40, 40),Vector(0, 0), Vector(0, 0))"
5- Play with the 40,40 values until you get the pos you want. EX: 40, 100 will make it so marks appear on a lower position and the line would be "writebookanim:Render(Vector(40, 100),Vector(0, 0), Vector(0, 0))"

Note: this wont affect your saves with the mod.
Trivia: it’s called writebookanim because it’s a copypaste of the Agnis mod and I’m too lazy to rename variables, lol.

Reseting the save file

The process is similar to the backing up one…look out for the "Save.dat" and either remove it entirely OR open it with a text editor and look for the character save you want to delete and remove it. (character saves start with the name of the character and end in ";". Make sure you remove all of it!)

Editing the save file(cheater!)

The strocture for saves is the following:


The completion values are 1 for normal, 2 for hard and 0 for incomplete. For example, If I have a character named Billy who only killed moms Heart in normal mode, the save file would look like this:

Bugs, incompatibilites, crashes, annoyances?, corruptions?

This is a mod I made in an afternoon, I tested it to hell in that time but there can be some bugs…..specially for the first days of release, so, please, back up your "Save.dat"(normal isaac saves have nothing to do with this mod) regulary and let me know if you find anything nasty!!!. Posting your Save.dat and log file can help me a lot to identify the cause of the bug.
Also, Id like to get feedback on the size and position of the marks….I’m kinda doubtfull about that one.


– So this mod only adds the marks to the game screen, right?
No, custom characters dont have marks at all, this mod attempts to add something to cover that. if you didnt notice that then this mod is not for you…you probably dont need it in the first place!.

– Does this work with X character?
Most likely. I tested this with a lot of characters from the workshop and it worked with all of them.

– Does it break if i enable/disable chars?
No, it shouldnt break….this mod has to be enabled to get the marks tho.

– Does it appear in the main menu?
No, it’s simply not possible now.

– I lost the progress on X character!!
Go to the Save.dat file and see if the character is there, if it isnt please report it!. If it is, it’s most likely due to the author of the mod changing the name of the character (this rarely happens but it’s possible), you can fix this by updating the name on the save.dat file.

– Why did you make this?
I play a lot of character mods and want to keep track of my progress with them…I made this one rather quick (in an afternoon)) for myself only, then I realized that some people would probably enjoy it as much as I do so I just posted it on the workshop 🙂


– Wait…wait till the API adds escencial stuff.
– Any suggestions?


Last Update:
– Gamepad Support!
– Fixed a bug that caused normal completition marks to overide hard mode ones

PS: many people have been asking who the character in the image is, it’s my character mod "Agnis – The extracorporeal".
If you are interested, you can get it here:

Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+