(WOTC) Winter Soldier Arm Prosthetics

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Author: Derejin

Last revision: 2 Dec, 2019 at 17:23 UTC

File size: 24.49 MB

On Steam Workshop


A new prosthetic arm, purely cosmetic, for both male and female soldiers!
Created with Blender and GIMP, based off of the Winter Soldier’s arm from the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

Simply go into Soldier Customization->Props and you’ll find it in the Left and Right Arm categories!
Tattoos can be applied to the arms from this mod, and it includes the Winter Soldier star tattoo and the Winter Soldier’s glove if you want to fully emulate good ol’ Bucky Barnes!

Note that with the recent update, you will need the WOTC Highlander and the Empty WOTC Slots mods. Grab it from the required items on the right if you’ve yet to!


Contents (all fit both male+female, as well as the hero classes – they’re cosmetic props usable with any tier):

-Winter Soldier Prosthetic
=Left Arm
=Right Arm
+Buff version of Female Prosthetic (female only)

-Tinted Prosthetic with Secondary Tint Lights
-Tinted Prosthetic without Secondary Tint Lights

-No Camo variants of all the above

-Winter Soldier star tattoo for arms

-Winter Soldier Glove
=Left Forearm
=Right Forearm


Recommended other mods:

[WOTC] Re:Character Prop Pack: Contains the Winter Soldier mask and goggles! If you want to go full Bucky Barnes.

Arms and Shoulders: Provides more options for asymmetry and allows you to ‘decorate’ the Winter Prosthetic with shoulderpads.

Hero Bare Arm Mod: Provides more bare arms for ‘asymmetric matching’, and a buff version of the female bare arm (for non-heroes too) if you want it to match the buff version of the female prosthetic.

Invisible Parts for Hero Units: May be useful to prevent equipping something you don’t want.
Had a lot of people upset about their hero units when they installed my previous mods WITHOUT READING THE DESCRIPTION, so I marked this one as "required" though it technically isn’t (if you have something else that fulfills the same role, or you know what you’re doing). 😛


(potentially) FAQ

Q. "The arm clips a bit with some torso(s)!
A. The initial arm was built based on the Kevlar-tier Anarchy’s Children "Bare Arm" props, which themselves may clip with some torsos (even kevlar tier vanilla stuff!).
Due to mods and even different armor tiers, no single arm prop will fit everything, even with just official content installed: I cannot make it fit everything perfectly.

Q. "Why is there a buff version of the female prosthetic?"
A. Multiple reasons!
-Warden-tier vanilla arms and torsos are differently sectioned (torsos in Kevlar+Plated have the shoulders, but in Warden the arms have the shoulders)
-The female version of Warden-tier arms have the elbow differently positioned (slightly higher up)
-The female version of Warden-tier arms are more buff (I guess Warden armor is good for your arm workout)

Because I had made buff versions of female prosthetics previously in the Adam Jensen arm mod, I re-created that work using the buff version of the female arm from the Hero Bare Arms Mod (mine has different UVs, but that arm was very cleanly made and allowed me to ‘shape to’ it and weight properly: see the credits section for the link!)

Q. "The arms look lame on the customization screen!"
A. The lighting on the Avenger/Character Pool is terrible. They look much better in-world or in-missions, or even in the photobooth!

Q. "The lights the lighted version of the arm are very dim!"
A. The lighting on the lit versions of the arms are based on your Secondary Color for your character’s armor customization. If you pick a color that’s not very bright, the light will dim to match: it’ll pretty much be ‘off’ for black. Just a consequence of making the light tintable: I prefer it to having a static light, though!

Also, again, the lighting on the Avenger/Character Pool is terrible, so you aren’t getting the full effect if you’re looking at the arm in there.

Q. "Will you make this for Vanilla/LW2?"
A. Sorry, but no: maintaining multiple versions of a single mod takes a lot of extra time, and I have a job now: modding like this isn’t something I can do as quickly as before.

You have my permission to make a vanilla port of it, if you’d like! Just see the Other Stuff section of the description for rules on patches/re-uploads/etc. then go nuts! I’ll link it here if you make it.


Known Issues

-Nothing major reported!

-None known yet. Should be none, since this is a purely cosmetic mod.



-Font for title image is Coulson Condensed, from:

-Hero Bare Arms Mod (for clean female bare arm to fix mine with: lost my version that I based my Jensen arms on, so my weights and shaping for the buff female arms would be off without this!)

Little off-topic, but an interesting video.
It’s a long one that touches on some heavy topics, but let me know your thoughts on it if you see it. I’d appreciate it.

Up to you. Ain’t gonna force ya. But think it’s important stuff (not mod-related!):


Other Stuff:
  • You may utilize this mod and assets from this mod to create other mods, IF YOU GIVE ME CREDIT. Link back here (or to another site where I am the person who uploaded the mod), please, as well!
  • You do NOT need permission from me to create patches for this mod (for overhauls, etc.). Go nuts!
    But still, give me credit for the initial mod. :p
  • As of now, I will be the only person to upload this mod, and it will be available on the Steam Workshop. Please do not download from other sources, as they’re not from me, unless it’s part of a modpack!
  • I may build upon this mod. I spent a long time on it, and I have ideas for additional goodies – guess it depends on response and how I feel about it. :p

Like my work? Feel free to donate![paypal.me]
If you don’t want to give any money, that’s totally fine. The mod’s free! 🙂


Ideas for Expanding the Mod
  • Making a ‘secondary tint’ version of the arm
  • Making a ‘secondary tint’ version of the arm with primary tint lights
  • Making a tintless version of the arm, but with lights that obey secondary tint
  • Like with the Adam Jensen Prosthetics mod I made (check my workshop!), making ‘kevlar armored’ and ‘warden armored’ versions of this prosthetic.
    Check out my Adam Jensen Arm Prosthetics and look at the ‘Kevlar Shipment’ and ‘Warden Shipment’ screenshots if you want an idea of what I mean!
  • Let me know what you’d like to see first! Or if you have other ideas for how I could make cool permutations of this arm! It was a lot of work, so don’t expect major overhauls, but new textures/emissive types/etc. should be doable.

If you report an issue but it’s already covered by the description, don’t expect an answer from me. 😛

Thank you for your time!

Colossians 3:23

Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

XCOM 2: War of the Chosen