WTWSMS Celtic Portraits (DLC required)

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Author: Loup

Last revision: 28 Dec, 2017 at 13:27 UTC

File size: 2.05 KB

On Steam Workshop

Sub-mod of When the World Stopped Making Sense

Currently there is one required module (the main one named "WTWSMS") and five optional sub-modules which should be activated based on the portraits pack you own. The sub-modules have names that correspond to the required DLC’s, so for example if you own the Norse portraits DLC, use the module entitled WTWSMS_NorsePortraits. All of the modules are inter-compatible, so you can run them all at once if you have all of the relevant portrait packs. In addition to that there is a sixth, purely graphical module, named "WtWSMS_Font" which activates or deactivates the text font.

For full and detailed information on the mod, or to have the best chance of any questions or bugs being addressed, please head to our sub-forum on the Paradox Forums[forum.paradoxplaza.com]. Note: requires CKII game registration, see how to link with Steam: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/connect-your-steam-account-to-sync-your-owned-items.894506/

Alternatively, you can also visit our wiki page[ck2.paradoxwikis.com].

Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

Crusader Kings II: Celtic Portraits
Required items:

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When the World Stopped Making SenseSteam Workshop