Mercenaries Lite (v.34)

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Author: T☢rchM☢dders

Last revision: 20 May, 2020 at 03:47 UTC

File size: 1.24 MB

On Steam Workshop


This mod allows you to hire mercenaries to fight for you. You can hire them through the merchant Khazad (that’s him in the mod splash picture) who is present in the 4 Act towns. Choose from a sword-and-shield merc, a pikeman merc, a pistolero merc, a heavy melee merc and an assassin merc. You can have only one active at a time and I made them a little pricey.

It’s probably not balanced. The mercenaries were designed to be able to last through most of a zone even if you’re a zerg-rush kind of player. So they’re pretty tough and they hit hard, but they are not invincible and will die if they are overwhelmed by the enemy. Then again, I’ve only tested this on Veteran level so I don’t know how they’ll do on Elite.

This mod is nowhere near the Gold Standard mods for fighting companions like Kelintor’s Mercenaries or Doudley’s Warbounds. I just thought it would be good to have a way to easily hire some fighting help and not have to worry about managing them too much. I may or may not add more mercs, we’ll see. So anyway, here it is. Hope you like it 😉