Additional Creatures: Dawnbreaker

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Authors: ARIS, Shadlos

Last revision: 18 Sep, 2019 at 23:52 UTC

File size: 46.28 MB

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MOD ID: 1850778770

This mod adds the mysterious hybridized dinosaur, nicknamed as Project "Dawnbreaker".

Dawnbreaker, or simply "Dawnie" is a concept by ARIS, originally designed for a story project. Dawnbreaker was at one point adopted to be the final boss of the Additional Creatures 2 mod, but was ultimately scrapped following her creator’s departure from the AC2 team.

She was first discovered when her files ended up in the mod data, originally put in early for testing purposes. For a few months, she phased in and out of existence, but was ultimately removed after the initial testing period. She later returned as "Halloween Dawnbreaker" during the AC2 Halloween event, carrying all sorts of goodies in her inventory for good little Survivors!

Now, in a bit of a comeback, she’s been unleashed in her, albeit rough, standalone form! For the first time ever, you too can have a Dawnbreaker!

WARNING: This is an incredibly powerful creature, her stats are deceiving, and she ramps up at a terrifying pace when properly levelled. Use on servers with caution!

Of course, this mod was built around the premise of how she would occur within the ARK Universe, that is to say, she wouldn’t be found naturally. In order to create a Dawnbreaker of your own, you must first reach Level 105, and possess the Tek Replicator engram, this will enable you to learn the Create Dawnbreaker engram (Which can be crafted in your inventory). From there, you must acquire the various bits of her genome, and use that to craft the item for spawning your very own, once you possess the Create Dawnbreaker item, simply use it to spawn the Dawnbreaker. Do be prepared to raise a baby! Your Dawnbreaker will require plenty of care in order to mature into her Giga-munching adulthood! If you do not have AllowAnybodyImprintCuddle enabled, simply unclaim and then reclaim the baby Dawnbreaker to be able to imprint on it.

Dawnbreaker will always be female, as she is not meant to be able to reproduce.

She uses the Yutyrannus Saddle, but can be ridden without it.

Left Click does a big heckin’ chomp, now THAT’s a lotta damage.
Right Click does the big scream, wake up all your neighbours.
Dawnbreaker does not bleed, for she is far too fluffy.
Dawnbreaker is immune to Radiation.

Canon Dawnbreaker genome: Giganotosaurus (Primary), Superb Lyrebird, Therizinosaurus, Black Caiman, Orca, etc. (rest classified)