The Known World Map -ALPHA- A Game of Thrones Immersive Experience

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Author: Noot

Last revision: 27 Jul, 2020 at 23:56 UTC

File size: 2.73 GB

On Steam Workshop


My own creative representation inspired by the love of A song of Ice and Fire novel series- The Known World is a massive scale map with the entire continent of Westeros, and a large portion of Essos. A fully immersive landscape with as many areas as close to description, lore, reference image or visually influenced by the TV show as possible.

Keeping in mind, it will differ to the show as multiple locations were used for the same area, eg. King’s Landing had 3 different set locations with each having different aesthetics- it will be a creative choice on representation across the lands, as I tailor the map for epic RP experiences.

To keep up to date, see behind the scenes and ask questions, and to get insight into changes that will happen ahead of time, I strongly encourage people to join the Discord.


Status: ALPHA.
Completion: Roughly 40% of Westeros is completed and fully playable!
From "The Crossroads" up is "Beta ready" meaning things in those regions wont change until beta unless there is a bug or issue. (The big green area in the first preview picture is a-ok to play on)


  • Mod ID: 1753359782
  • Map Name: TheKnownWorld
  • Landmass of roughly 224km2, just under 6x’s The Island size.
  • As few dinosaurs as possible- keeping it mammal based for immersion.
  • A completely immersive RP friendly map- No TEK or Obelisks, no futuristic animals, as few dinosaurs as possible. A completely open natural landscape.
  • No hand map grids for location. The map is meant to be navigated via. Compass and in game landmarks, roads and signs.
  • There are no sky drops.
  • There are no boss arenas.
  • Each Kingdom has a pre-allocated area to build your own castles that is relatively flat and as true to show as possible.
  • Ruins and caves will be added in Beta phase.

Path to Completion:
Alpha stage: All landscape, sculpting, painting, animal spawners and desired base resources down.
Beta stage: Adding VFX, audio, sounds, cleanup, caves, adjusting biomes etc.

What locations are there?
The entire continent of Westeros is here. Anything you might expect to find you should be able to. From islands like Loney Light in the Iron Islands, to Skane in the North, every Kingdom location and all the way to Braavos, Lys to the forests of Qohor and Volantis in the south of Essos- anywhere you might expect there to be land to build your beautiful castles, camps, towns and harbours; it is there.

Is this just for Game of Thrones?
While the map itself does have road markers and signs pointing you in the directions of cities or towns in "lore" and holding "H" will give you area names from Westeros and Essos- essentially the landscape is one of nature, and could be used for many different themes other than Game of Thrones. It really is up to you as a player to decide how to use the map. Mods can make any map tailored for many different experiences!

This mod requires MarniiMods: Horses.
Marnii and I have a wonderful modding partnership and an epic friendship and as such I wanted more than anything for her horses to be naturally spawning on my map, and they do! You don’t need her mod in any particular priority, just as long as you have it on your mod list somewhere, you will have horses spawning in specific regions for their type.

It also requires Castle Black Elevator mod I made, it is what the description says, adds an elevator that allows you to built up on top of the wall following the guide rails at The Wall.

This project started in late 2018 where it was originally just the continent of Westeros, however due to hardware failure the map was lost at the end of 2018 into 2019 where after a few months of deliberation and recovering files, I gave up on retrieving it and decided to start completely new entirely on the 23rd of May 2019.

Progress has been much quicker than it had been on the previous version, not only because the landmass is smaller, about roughly 5 1/2 times the size of the island rather than the initial 9 times the size; but I made many, many mistakes I learnt from during the initial version as I had no idea what I was doing. All of this makes it so I am able to complete sections of the map faster with less issues.

This is purely a passion project for me at this point- I do not run RP servers anymore and I hope that the wide community of amazing Roleplayers out there will get to experience this map, either once it is a completed project, or joining me along the way as things unlock and the map progresses along with time, on single player or on a server;
However people choose to use it if so, I hope you enjoy this creation to bring the Known World a little closer.

Before you make a discussion thread to report a bug, please join the Discord first- chances are there is already a fix for what you want to report ready to be patched in the next update.

My custom spawners for other modders and server owners have been added to a database by the wonderful Prome check out their mods here

Click for The Known World Spawners[]
"Commonland" spawn is the most used across the map so far, so if you wish to change INI settings on your own servers that would be the one to add to 🙂

I highly recommend Simple Spawners to add in literally anything you want to the map!



Required items:

Click the title to search on this site.

MarniiMods: HorsesSteam Workshop
MarniiMods: WildlifeSteam Workshop