Leugi’s Getulio Vargas Alternate Leader (Brazil)

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Authors: Leugi, Darth_Starkiller, Dray

Last revision: 8 Nov, 2017 at 12:12 UTC

File size: 46.35 MB

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Adds Getulio Vargas as an alternate leader for the Brazilian Civilization.

Direct Download[www.dropbox.com]

Leader Concept:
Getúlio Vargas was one of the most important presidents of modern Brazil. He managed to bring prosperity and growth to the country through his politics, as well as thanks to his deals with the US and the Allies during World War II, sending the Brazilian Expedition better known today as Pracinhas. Because of this, in Civilization VI, Vargas receives additional bonuses from Declarations of Friendship and Alliances. The bonuses can stack so when playing as Vargas try to gather as many allies as you can.

Main Strengths: Diplomacy, Production and Culture.

Abilities and Features:
LUA: Estado Novo: Receives 5% Production and +5% Culture in your Cities for every Civilization you’re friends with, and +5% more of each if you’re allied with them. Also receives additional 10% of each when declaring a Joint War with another civilization.
LUU: Pracinha: Brazilian unique unit when Vargas is their leader, unlocked with the Mobilization Civic. Pracinhas receive a combat bonus on continents different than Brazil’s Capital and generate cultural Great People and Great Engineer points when defeating enemy units.
Agenda: Washington Accords: Will try to make as many alliances as he can, and is loyal to his allies. Likes civilizations with more production and gold than him.

Notes and Credits:
· The Leader is not animated.
· This mod is compatible with YnaMP and JFD’s Rule with Faith
· The icon used for the selection screen is from Better Civ Icons, mod which I highly Reccommend.
· Special thanks to Darth Starkiller for helping in the concept, choosing the colours and making the civ icon.
· Special thanks to Draeren for helping with the background of the diplo screen