Dwarf Shield Wall – Formation ability for Dwarfs

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Author: Rumpl4

Last revision: 8 Dec, 2020 at 09:39 UTC

File size: 881.66 KB

On Steam Workshop


Update: the units now have an animation, the front rank will brace and hold their shields directly in front of them, when the units move, they move in lockstep, the front frank move with their shields held aloft in front of them, i’ve removed the waving their shields and axes in the air like utter heathens, they now stand braced, ready for a fight

Ever annoyed when seeing Dwarven units in films or read about them in books, being heavily armoured and highly trained fighters and then in total war, they stand there being turned into a pin cushion, this coupled with the power creep of missile units on difficulties above normal…well no more

All Dwarf shield melee infantry units can activate a shield wall ability, takes 2 seconds to activate (During which time the models will move to their new tighter formation)


+10 MD
+35% Missile Block (moves all dwarf units to gold shield 70% chance to block)
-5 MA
Unit can’t run whilst in this formation
+ Expert Charge Defence (charge defence against all)

units can drop in and out of formation as many times as you like

Known issues: siege defence, forcing shield formation in a unit on a wall prior the clicking the start battle button will cause a crash, to avoid this, start the battle, then activate the formation

All feedback welcome and as ever, if you enjoy the mod, please rate