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Author: Kevin

Last revision: 28 Jul, 2021 at 21:47 UTC

File size: 128 KB

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Hello people, ever wonder why sometimes when you use an antivenom on a Heirloom Chest it does nothing and other times it opens it fine? Or why you could open the Heirloom chest with a shovel even when the curio tracker said it does nothing?

Well that would be because there are 2 Heirloom chest in the game, one is a regular Heirloom chest that can only give you Heirlooms no matter how you open it, and the other is the Locked Strongbox that can contain anything in it.

The more you know, right?

Well, this mods unmakes all this fun stuff and brings back our old friend the Locked Strongbox, more details down below.

Why use this mod?

1 – Having 2 curios that look the same and even have the same name, while having different effects and ways to interact with them seams against the spirit of the game to me. So, sence the files for the Locked Strongbox are still in the game but are only used on The Old Road mission, while during the rest of the game it just looks like a heirloom chest; I just gave it back its old look and name.

2 – Every curio is only suposed to have one interaction with a suplly item, however the strongbox had 2 results from using a shovel in the game files, one being nothing and the other being loot. Well that seams to screw with the curio tracker and the game as the tracker always tells you the shovel will give you nothing when using it on a strongbox even after you get loot from it, that happens because the tracker can only store one value per supply item. So the nothing probability (that never procked) was removed in this mod. Sadly if you ever used a shovel on a strongbox before, that save file will not update your curio tracker, only on fresh saves or if you get a fresh tracker and copy it over to your old save can you fix this.

3 – You get to see the Locked Strongbox more than once per save file.

Here are the stats of both curios so you can decide if you want to use this mod to know what kind of chest is in from of you.

Heirloom Chest
Key – Heirloom x 4
Antivenom – Heirloom x 3
Nothing – 75% of Heirloom x 2, 25% of trap

Locked Strongbox
Key – Anything x 3
Shovel – Anything x 2
Nothing – 50% of Anything x 2, 50% of trap

This mod does not override the curio_props nor the curio_type_library, it just changes the Locked Strongbox and should be compatible with anything. Put this at the botton of your load order.