[LITE]Expanded Materials – Metals

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Author: Argón

Last revision: 23 Sep, 2021 at 04:26 UTC

File size: 746.5 KB

On Steam Workshop


[09/23/2021]: v2.0 (See update notes for full changelog)

This is the LITE version of a larger mod. If you wanna try bloating up your game with production chains and materials, go check the full version by clicking the image below!

I’ve always found strange that everything is just made of pure steel, so I decided to add these new materials to the game, so that players will have to struggle and have a hard time progressing through civilizaions, and even if you do a crashlanded start, you won’t start with all the necessary resources, so you’ll have to look for them.

The main goal of this mod is to add a little bit of realism to the game while keeping it interesting for gameplay. The future expansion add-ons for this mod will add new interesting mechanics that will reward patience and hard work with cost-efficient benefits.

This mod adds new metals and balances vanilla recipes so that you’ll have to search or craft the different materials you need to build different stuff. This mod will also act as a base for future material related mods that will add more depth (and even more difficulty xD) so if you like to make rimworld harder, you’ll like these mods.

Expanded Materials – Metals also adds two new mortar type materials used for structures and facilities.


– Due to an inexperienced modder making a mod which is 80% patching, some (if not all) patches are likely to overwrite any other patches modifying the same vanilla thing. To fix this mistake will take me time, so until I do it (which is something I’m working on, don’t worry, but I’m one single teenager and sometimes I lack time :c) The momentarily solution is to load this mod before any other mod that patches vanilla stuff, preferably at the very beggining of your list.

Q: Save game compatible?
A: It won’t harm your save, but all the new ores won’t be generated, it could if you go to another map cell, thou.

Q: Do you plan to add compatibility for X mod?
A: I mentioned it above, also, if you want to make your own patch, you’re free to do it 😀

Q: I want even less content!
A: Want a Lite^2 versuon, huh? Well… somebody has already convinced me of that… we’ll see if we can put together some ultra-lite version.

Graphics and xml created by me, Argón (León) a freelancer artist >.<

Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester.


Vanilla Expanded Collection – By Oskar Potocki & more