Vanilla Crossbow Variants

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Author: John™

Last revision: 29 Jan, 2022 at 18:36 UTC

File size: 10.87 MB

On Steam Workshop


– Welcome to what is probably my most expansive mod to date. This mod takes the vanilla crossbows and adds up to 5 new variants for EACH crossbow. There are a total of 29 new crossbows in this mod.

– The crossbow variation types are as follows: "Sawed Off", these are much lighter than their regular version and pay for it by being less accurate, they are also cheaper and have less range. "Long", this is essentially the opposite of sawed off, they have a longer range than the original, yet weigh more. "Scoped", these are simply more accurate than the original. "Sniper", this is a combination of Long and Scoped, and it is very expensive. Finally we have "Repeating", this version is much heavier and less accurate yet can fire multiple shots per reload, it takes much longer to reload as well. Due to the more powerful nature of the Sniper and Repeating variants they are much rarer to find.

– All non-unique NPCs who normally carry crossbows now have a chance of having the regular version of whatever they carry OR one of these variants. You may encounter a Dust Bowman with a Scoped Junkbow, maybe you get lucky and that Sniperbot harrasing your squad has a Sawed Off Eagle’s Cross, or what would be my own personal nightmare fuel… a Noble Hunter with a Repeating Eagle’s Cross… You get the point this adds an element of randomness to the crossbow spawns of vanilla Kenshi.

– All crossbows have research or blueprints associated with them, so needless to say they should be craftable. All crossbows have been added to their appropriate vendor lists as well so you may see some in the crossbow shops.

– Hit me up with any feedback or thoughts you have on this mod in the comments. A lot of hard work went into this mod so I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do! Thank you for the constant support with my other mods. It is very appreciated!

– I’ll be putting out a patch for the Military Crossbowmen mod as well if anyone is interested.

– On a side note I also fixed the atrocious positioning of the vanilla Eagle’s Cross, so that the character is actually holding it instead of the bow levitating above your hand.

– All my weapon packs can be found here