Mandrake Respawn

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Author: Daedalus

Last revision: 2 Jul, 2017 at 05:02 UTC

File size: 9.22 KB

On Steam Workshop


Spawns a new mandrake in the world after one is used up.

This happens when you do one of the following things:

  • Eat a mandrake
  • Eat a cooked mandrake
  • Eat mandrake soup
  • Use the last charge of a panflute

A new mandrake will then spawn at a random location away from the player. The distance at which the mandrake spawns can be changed in the configuration options.

This mod should be compatible with all mods.

Don’t Starve version here.

Thanks to Blueberrys and Mobbstar from the Don’t Starve forums for their help.