[WOTC] Playable Rulers

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[WOTC] Playable Rulers

ID = 2823002635
Description = Allows you to have the Alien Rulers on your side. You will get them as a project in the proving grounds.
You can also add them using command :

  • AddViperKingRecruit
  • AddBerserkerQueenRecruit
  • AddArchonKingRecruit

  • Cost Viper = 1 Viper king’s corpse, 1 elerium core, 500 supplies
  • Cost Archon = 1 Archon king’s corpse, 3 elerium core, 750 supplies
  • Cost Berserker = 1 Berserker queeen’s corpse, 5 elerium core, 1000 supplies

If you already have the Playable Rulers as unit and don’t have the UFOpedia, just use "givetech PA_ArchonKing_Tech / PA_ViperKing_Tech / PA_BerserkerQueen_Tech"

Uncooked version is here[github.com]

Required mod and DLC

Required DLC = WOTC, Alien Hunter
Required mod = Mitzruti’s Perk Pack, X2WOTCCommunityHighlander, Custom Soldiers Evac Fix, [WOTC] Alien Hunters Community Highlander and [WOTC] Community Promotion Screen
Optional mod = [WOTC] UFOpedia & Bestiary
Recommended mod = [WOTC] Additional Soldier Console Commands (as this is a class mod that is subject to new ability / class data change / fix, it’s very helpful to be able to rebuild the soldier)

Supported mod

  • This mod also add infiltration support for [WOTC] Covert Infiltration.
    – The Viper King remove 10h.
    – The Berserker Queen add 10h.
    – The Archon King add 5h.
  • Added support for [WOTC] Viper King Squadmate (This will allow you to still have the lore). To do this, comment out "+SoldierClasses=ViperKingClass" by adding a ; before the line in the file "XComClassData.ini"

Optional mod / features


Commander, Although I am not fully confident on this, Tygan has made an apparent breakthrough that may potentially allow the resistance to get new powerful allies to our cause. Apparently, there might be a way to make the Vahlen’s experiments, known as the alien Rulers, join us in battle.

To be honest, I don’t fully trust this plan, not even Vahlen could do it herself. Nevertheless, I would be a fool if we don’t give it a shot. We saw them fight before, if we could get them on our side, then the Elders chances to win will go down to the ground.
– Bradford

Bug and feature request

  • To report a bug, use the appropriate discussion
  • To ask for a feature, use the appropriate discussion

Known bugs

  • Some abilities have no icons which cause alignment issue (you can suggest icons for ability in the "Suggestion" discussion)
  • The Archon King Icarus slam might force a reload if using more than once per mission.
  • The sound that the Rulers make (in the barracks) persists (like the Skyranger lift bug).
  • Incompatible with Cloned aliens Rulers [WOTC] as it seems to give the Archon King and Berserker Queen infinite AP.
  • The magnetic and Beam Bolt caster are available from the start. Fixed with new release
  • True Primary Secondaries [BETA] can cause some issues with the Berserker queen’s animation (looks like she is using a sword) Fixed with newest release


  • Gazgemauch[www.nexusmods.com], he gave me the permissions to publish and improve the mod.
  • Iridar for helping with answering the question I had for modding and making WSR which was the mod that made the Bolt caster fixable.
  • Krakenous for his help with the mod (ability tree).
  • EndlessPie49 for his help with the lore in the mod (UFOpedia, the lore part in the mod’s description and the new research lore).
  • Big Demoband for proofreading / restructuring some lore part (Her website[bigdemoband.carrd.co])
  • RustyDios for his help with the Frost Bite (Highlander Hook) and making the Archon icon
  • A lot of people for playtesting the mod / giving feedback.
  • EvilBob22 for making the new class icons (Viper / Berserker)



Check out my other "playable alien" mod