Asia Expansion Project (Dev Version)

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Authors: El lobo, Eisprinzessin, Longus Cattus

Last revision: 4 Jun, 2023 at 07:32 UTC (23)

File size: 3.03 GB

On Steam Workshop

This is the Experimental Developer Version for the Asia Expansion Project which is where we test features planned for the flagship version of AEP.

Keep in mind that since this is for testing purposes only, bugs can and probably should be expected. If you encounter any, please comment below to let us know so we can get to work on fixing them.

The Asia Expansion Project should work seamlessly with the latest DLCs and is generally compatible with most mods on the Workshop, with the exception of larger overhauls. However, if you do encounter any bugs or incompatibility please be sure to let me know over on Discord[]

Mods known to cause conflicts:
More Bookmarks+
Succession Expanded
Culture Expanded
Cities of Wonders
Sinews of War
Ruler Designer Unlocked

Mods compatible with compatch:
Community Flavor Pack (CFP) Patch (Be sure to follow load order!)
Ethnicities & Portraits Expanded (EPE) Patch (Be sure to follow load order!)

For those wanting a playlist of mods known to work well with AEP be sure to check out NESecretWeapon’s collection here.

The Asia Expansion Project offers comprehensive support for English, German, Spanish, and French languages, with plans on extending support to other languages in the future. Help is always wanted, and anyone desiring to lend their support is more than welcome to by contacting me using the project’s Discord Page.[]

Q: Why is this older than the main version of AEP?

A: This is due to the developer version being previously used for the now outdated Asia Expansion Mod prior to it’s change to AEP.

Q: How can I stay updated on the mod or report bugs i discover?

A: If you want to stay in the loop with changes made, report any bugs you come across, or just reach out, you’re welcome to join the Project Discord Server by clicking on the link below.


Q: "Does this alter any core mechanics or add new ones to base CK3?"

A: Currently no, although there are plans on adding new government types, struggle mechanics, events and decisions in future releases of the mod.

Q: "How can I join the team?"

A: Help is always welcome here on the project, and if you’re interested please consider reaching out to us over on Discord[].

Q: "Are you collaborating or planning on collaborating with any other modders on the Workshop?"

A: Some yes, while we prefer to use our own in-house assets we’re open to collaborating and making use of assets created by other modders provided their content aligns with the project’s goals.

Q: "Why am I seeing faceless characters that haunt my dreams and keep me awake at night?"

A: The missing face bug has been present in vanilla CK3 since the release of the 1.7 update, and isn’t the fault of the Asia Expansion Project. Find out more here[].

Q: Why are my characters bald and/or naked:

A: Typically, it’s due to a mod conflict or incorrect load order. However, it could also be related to corrupted or missing game files in the Paradox root directory, which would require invalidating. So please rule out these possibilities before reporting a bug on the Discord.

Q: How can I help support the mod’s development?

A: You can support the project by spreading the word on social media, or backing the project over on Ko-fi – every little bit helps.


For more frequently asked questions be sure to swing by the AEP Community Discord Page[].

In upcoming releases of the mod, players can look forward to a plethora of new content planned. Here’s a preview of some of what’s in store:

  • Chinese Legalism, Mandalay, and Nomadic Government Types
  • Mandate of heaven struggle mechanic and event chain for collapse of the Tang Dynasty
  • Event chain for better illustrating the decline of Unified Silla
  • Event chain for the decline of Rituryō in Japan and the rise of the Samurai
  • Decisions for creating a new Shogunate or restoring Imperial Rule to Japan
  • Decision to create Dai-Viet for Vietnamese rulers
  • Decisions for Tai rulers allowing them to establish Thai Kingdoms to the south.
  • Southeast Asian Overhaul including possible expansion into Papua
  • Special invasion causus belli against China for the Mongol Empire including a descision to form the Yuan Dynasty
  • More clothing variants for characters (especially in Southeast Asia)