Better Scenario Research and Tech Level Options

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Author: large moron

Last revision: 10 Oct, 2022 at 05:55 UTC (1)

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This mod gives you better options for selecting your game’s starting research and player faction tech level, primarily but not exclusively for use with Semi Random Research. I’ve been wanting this for years. Lots of mods let you start with no research, but none that I have been able to find let you start with research already completed. Turns out you can just pay someone to make it for you?!

I only play with Semi Random Research and I strongly dislike caveman stuff flooding the queue when I’m in a higher tech game and just want to research fabrication or nuclear power or toilets. First and foremost this is a QOL mod for me. But maybe it can be for you too.

While I initially only wanted something to clear out Neolithic and Medieval research so I could jump right in to the Industrial era, I figured an option for every tech tier would be a simple and welcomed addition. Why not cover all the bases in case someone wants to play as a Medieval, Spacer, or Ultratech faction and have their starting research and costs reflect that?


Includes 6 Scenario options to start at the technology tier of your choosing, from Neolithic to Archotech*, with every research project below your chosen tier automatically completed.

*Archotech starts with all research in the game complete, including the Archotech-tier research projects from the few mods that actually have them, like More Archotech Garbage and Science Never Stops. Maybe you’re making a new modpack and want to jump right in to testing conflicts and compatibility without delays. Or perhaps you’re playing an Archoseed that wasn’t shot in the brain by a Lancer…?

This mod does not remove the hidden research included in some scenarios, even if it’s higher than your chosen tech level. For example: Crashlanded, Rich Explorer, and Naked Brutality all start you out with some research not mentioned on the Scenario screen, like Electricity. If you choose one of these scenarios and pick Neolithic or Medieval tech level you will still start with electricity. This is intended to safeguard scenarios with specific starting conditions and/or gameplay themes. I wouldn’t want someone to pick their favorite scenario and find out, just because they wanted to skip the primitive era research, they can’t play their scenario the way it was designed. Use era appropriate scenarios and/or a different mod if your scenario includes said hidden research.

This mod’s position in your load order should not matter. If you find some incompatibility or conflict from load order placement please let me know in the comments!

How do I use this?

When starting a new game click the Scenario Editor button on the bottom of the Scenario screen, select the Edit Mode red X on the left panel, click Add Part, then choose the Set Faction Tech Level option in the drop down list to add it to your scenario. From there, click the new button on the right side of your screen and select the tech level you want.

Recommended companion mods, especially nice for games with longer term progression through the technological ages and generations:

If any of these interest you please make sure to click these links and read their full descriptions as written by the mod makers before asking questions. Almost all of these have mod options to customize them to your preferences.

Research ReinventedExtremely rad mod that makes research much more interesting and engaging. Click and behold.

Semi Random Research is my favorite way to play. Instead of opening your research tree and picking exactly what you want, this mod will generate a random selection of research projects on which to work.

Tech Advancing and Tech Traversal allow your player faction to advance through the technology tiers so research costs are correctly adjusted and updated.

TechBlock groups research into blocks of technology so you can progress through the research tree in a way that makes a little more sense. You must (more or less) research all of neolithic before you can start medieval, and all of medieval before industrial, and so on.

Ignorance is Bliss prevents higher tech factions from raiding you until you’re closer to on or on their same technological level. Getting obliterated by mechanoids or the blue moon corporation when your pawns are still figuring out how to make a longbow can be frustrating, although the challenge isn’t always bad.

Arcane Technology prevents you from equipping or using technology that you haven’t researched. It’s not 100% coherent, as it doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to know how to wear a fancier hat, but that charge rifle may be a bit too advanced for your caveman whomst barely grok fire.

An alternative to Arcane Technology, I Can’t Fix That allows you to use items, equipment, and buildings above your tech level, but you won’t be able to repair or maintain them when they inevitably break down or deteriorate.

Note about using Tech Block and Semi Random Research together:

If you are having problems getting the Theory and/or Understanding projects to appear in Semi Random Research’s queue, or the window is simply blank, you should temporarily disable SRR’s ‘Prohibit manual project selection’ option and check your research tree for any available projects to manually start their research. It can happen. It’s not a big deal.


I am not the coder! I have no ability to code C#. Do not ask me to make changes to this mod. I have neither the ability nor the will to change or add any new features.

C# coding by DimonSever000. Do not ask them to make changes to this mod, but do click their name to see their mods!



Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.