Mr Monopoly

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Authors: FelixBlobDev, DonGT

Last revision: 2 Jun at 18:58 UTC (12)

File size: 9.89 MB

On Steam Workshop


Mr Monopoly, also known as Rich Uncle Pennybags, comes straight from the Monopoly board and into Rivals! Featuring lots of luck-based moves and an in-depth money mechanic, he requires you to be very skillful to win!

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Mr Monopoly entirely revolves around his main mechanic: Money.
Money changes how certain moves work, allows you to boost certain moves, and gives you access to things like banks and hotels!

Mr Monopoly mainly gains money from hitting opponents, parrying attacks, etc. Some money is also lost on hit, on death, or if he himself gets parried. In most cases, when money is lost it gets dropped and can be picked up again by any character.


Neutral Special
Time to throw the dice! Mr Monopoly throws a dice. The dice is completely random, and while they all act the same, each one has different stats, with 6 being the strongest. Dices can also be hit around by any attacks, and the throw can be angled.
If you roll a double, the dice will turn yellow and become stronger! If you roll a triple, the dice even becomes a burning dice, which is even more powerful… But you also go to jail for speeding. Oops!

Side Special
Move your token! Mr Monopoly throws a monopoly token for a small money cost. Can be charged to throw a golden token instead which costs more, but is more powerful than normal tokens. The token itself is completely random between 8 different ones, and each one acts differently. Tokens can also be hit around by attacks!

Up Special
Take a chance! Monopoly draws a chance card from the community chest. He can get 5 different cards; Goal (the most common one and a fairly standard recovery), Home (returns to center stage), Property (flies back to his property if he has one), get out of jail free card (a small hop, but you get another shot at recovering and can use the card later), and… Jail.
Once again, the card is completely random, but the likelihood for each card isn’t the same, as some are more common than others. Make sure to always have a get out of jail free card just in case!

Down Special
I love building houses! Mr Monopoly throws down a property, which is either a house, hotel, or bank. Which one depends on how long the move is charged and how much money he has, or if they are upgraded after being placed. Properties can store money for you, which is great for keeping your money safe in case you lose a stock.
Houses and hotels can also generate money for you either over time or if an opponent passes them while in hitstun, but they’re easier to destroy, leaving your money vulnerable. The bank does the same, although slower, and the money is stored within the bank itself. The bank is also much harder to break, and the money will return to you if it’s destroyed.
Using DSpecial again while a property is out will also cause it to explode, so use that against your opponents! But be aware that if a property is thrown offstage, all the money invested into it will be lost.

The Monopoly Board

Mr Monopoly also comes with a stage; The Monopoly Board!


– Mr Monopoly has 3 different taunts. His side taunt has him throw 1 million (if you have that much); a great way invest in a property or give to a teammate!
– If Mr Monopoly has 15 million invested into a property, he can taunt in front of it (while holding the button) to invest in stocks! Very skillful!
– Getting 15 million will grant Mr. Monopoly a shiny golden suit! Extremely skillful!
– If you end up in Jail, you must either roll a double (3 attempts), pay the fine, or use a get out of jail free card! It’s recommended to always have a get out of jail free card if possible… Especially if you end up in jail offstage.
– Some alts have different dices, tokens, and property!

Compatibility List

– Toon Link
– Villager
– Final Smash
– Abyss Runes
– Wily Castle
– Miiverse
– Green Flower Zone
– Steve
– BoTW Link


– DonGT, for contributing lots of code and sounds to speed up development of the character, as well as the Mr Oarly property sprites, some CSS art, GFZ compatibility, the AI, and more
– Skycrafter, for many of the additional alt-specific sprites

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Tags:Monopoly, Mr. Monopoly, Money, Rich, Very Skillful