Lilac the Dragon Girl (Remastered)

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Author: Aperson

Last revision: 4 Aug at 15:05 UTC (5)

File size: 7.3 MB

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Avalice’s super fast, half Chinese Water Dragon from Freedom Planet has travelled the stars and returns to the planet of Aether with a major update. Remastered and heavily based on the original Lilac mod by Asgrid who had given public permission through the page on the old mod for it to be updated and has given this mod their blessing, this girl has come to play and the stage is her playground.

This mod had two major updates in the past two years, to play an old version click here:

Lilac is a rushdown/space control fighter who people who have played Sonic the Hedgehog in Smash Bros. will be immensely familiar with. Boasting super speed in both the air and on the ground, Lilac has complete freedom to traverse the stage as she wishes with a combo game that allows you to launch opponents into the air and then take them back down whenever you feel like it. She also has an element of Shantae to her, she uses her two body length twintails as weapons. Her two signature moves, Cyclone and Dragon Boost allow her to maintain significant air time as she uses her tendrils as propellers and her dragon superpowers to blast through the air at incredible speed. The downside to all this freedom however is that she does low amounts of damage and is also incredibly lightweight so can be KO’d early.

Moves Overview
NSpecial – Dragon Star

A Dragon Star empowers Lilac’s hair, she then shoots this out like a boomerang projectile. This will mark opposing foes. While foes are marked, her Cyclone, Dragon Boost, Rising Slash and Dive Kick all become more powerful with extra damage and knockback and foes will be stunned by Cyclone on all hits. In addition, Springs will launch opponents further and boost meter recharges.

FSpecial – Dragon Boost

The Water Dragons of Avalice boast the tremendous power to transform into comets and fly at supersonic speeds in straight lines. Lilac can curl herself into a ball and suspend herself in midair. She will start spinning while surrounding herself with sparkles. The spin will do damage to anyone who dares come close but it pales in comparison to what comes after. While Lilac is spinning a yellow arrow appears which you can aim in one of 6 directions, straight forward or diagonal. If you are running or walking before performing the Dragon Boost Lilac will carry her speed into the roll and perform a rolling boost. After some time you will launch off and fly at full speed in that direction. Unlike FP she isn’t invincible during this move and a well timed parry can heavily disrupt her and leave her open to attack. This move can bounce off walls but you can also tech or wall jump out of it. Cancelling this move will trigger the Boost Breaker which creates an additional projectile effect. The move goes into pratfall if it ends in the air but on the ground Lilac’s feet can carry her as fast as she can fly and if you hold down a direction her top speed will be enhanced for a brief period of time with the drawback being that for the same amount of time you would spend in pratland, you can’t attack apart from Cyclone which resets your dash speed. Lilac cannot channel her boost powers unless her energy meter is completely full, the move also drains the meter completely. Read "How to Fly your Dragon" thread for more info.

USpecial – Spring

This move seem familiar! Lilac will spawn a Spring that sends her high into the air. However, unlike Smash Sonic, this spring behaves a bit differently. Instead of damaging foes, this spring can settle on the stage. If a player hits the spring from above they will be launched for the same distance. You can hit foes into the spring to send them flying and then use said spring to go after them. You can jump cancel this move and Cyclone will amplify the effect and send her soaring but Cyclone will gain extended pratfall time to make up for the sheer height you can get. If you choose not to cancel this move upon creating the spring Lilac will enter a special state of Pratfall which kind of acts like Sonic’s in Smash Bros. She can use her regular attacks and some specials but she cannot Dragon Boost. If you Boost into a Spring from the side it will act like a wall and allow you to bounce off it or end your boost.

DSpecial – Cyclone

It wouldn’t be Lilac without her Cyclone attack right? However this move can also be activated by double jumping meaning that her double jump is also an attack. Holding up or down allows her to control her own gravity during the move and her tendrils will attack anyone who comes within range. They have no significant knockback, meaning you have to cancel your Cyclone into another move which can only be done on the first hit. While in this state Lilac descent is slowed unless you are holding down. She can also fast fall which allows her to quickly hit grounded foes. If you perform this move on the ground while walking or running she can also carry half her speed into this move and become a spinning top.
Inputting Double jump allows Lilac to soar into the air and float down, but inputting Down special in the air instead will simply see her float down, useful if the opponent is below and you want to attack. She can also jump off the ground with it.

The following move is only available with Abyss Runes

Extra DSpecial – Pangu Shield

Pangu teleports to the arena and gives Lilac a shield crystal of the shield based on the HUD. Lilac will whack the shield Crystal with her hair and break it open, giving her a temporary powerup. Shields provide hit durability but break after 2 hits unless you have an Earth shield which instead breaks after 3. Strong hits instantly break shields. Each shield also has situational benefits.

– Fire is immune to Burn, Plasma and Flash
– Wood heals 1% for every 20 damage done and is also immune to Poison
– Water has Bubble and Freeze immunity
– Earth has stronger durability and is immune to marking and Crystalization.
– Metal destroys projectiles and is immune to mines.

These shields are powerful but break upon their benefits being used. Cyclone is useable while a shield is active.

Note: There is a 6th Shield that is only available against certain opponents

Final Smash – Super Dragon Boost

While her Final Smash meter is full a Dragon Star will circulate Lilac. She will taunt her opponent and then charge up a Dragon Boost like normal, except she will consume the star in the process and go so fast that she becomes a supernova, leading to a blue streak of light coming out of her body and going insanely fast. The move is almost a dead certain instakill if hit and even has stage safety as she will bounce off the edges of the stage as if they were walls, so no worries too much about the move being uncontrollable due to the sheer speed.

I originally created this mod because I was dissatisfied with the recovery AI of the original mod. Things evolved from there and it became very apparent that the mod didn’t meet Workshop standards so a gazillion updates were made and she now has fully custom sprites designed to fit in with the Rivals of Aether style and a huge amount of compatibility.

Enjoy the mod!

Special thanks to Firehead Engine for the portraits and for BobtheGUYYYY for the custom victory themes.

Voiceclips: Dawn M. Bennett
Copyright: Ziyo Ling
Freedom Planet is copyright of GalaxyTrail


Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.