Clandestine Aid

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Author: Un Poisson Rouge

Last revision: 22 Feb, 2021 at 22:29 UTC (3)

File size: 46.08 KB

On Steam Workshop


November 30 2018: The amount of public order penalty per funding has been increased so there should be a rebellion caused from a single purchase. Previously, it was very tedious to send aid the roughly 3-5 times that was necessary to cause a rebellion and not really worth the cost. Now, if your funding is successful, a rebellion should be caused.

November 21 2018: You will now notice about a 1 second delay after pressing the send aid button. This is to add better support for slower computers, as not all computers were able to run the scripts before the menu closed. Do not press the check mark exit button while waiting for this to execute, just give it a second and it will finish. This should also help to prevent desyncs in multiplayer.



This mod allows you to send money to support rebel groups in a region of your choosing. By funding these groups, you will lower the public order of the province that you choose. If you are a richer nation, you will be able to effectively work towards tearing apart a nation from the inside. You can even attempt to backstab your allies by sowing discontent in their nations without them knowing. The amount of public order that will be decreased from your funding changes based on how well your operatives perform. Be warned, however, that your attempts to perform these covert operations can be discovered, leading to diplomatic penalties with the race that you are subverting. Your operations can fail as well, causing you to lose cash in the endeavor.


Should be compatible with everything.


This mod was built with multiplayer in mind, so it should be completely compatible with multiplayer. If you notice any issues while playing mulitplayer, let me know what happened with specifics and I will try to fix it.


If you have any suggestions for this mod considering bugs, balance, or possible new mechanics, let me know and I will see about implementing them.


Q:Does the ai use this?
A: The ai does not use this. Despite being very difficult to implement, the ai already has huge public order bonuses while the player has large public order penalties. I feel as though this balances that out some as now the ai will actually have public order issues if the player funds their rebels.


Special thanks to Vanish who created the UI Framework. Without that mod, so many other mods like this would not be possible. I also heavily borrowed from his design in Region Trading, a fantastic mod of his.

Thank you to the C&C Modding Discord. Without them I would never have never been able to make mods for this game so I am grateful that they are always available to help!



10/31/18 Skaven are now given special advantages when using this. They will never fail in their mission, although they can still be discovered. Skaven now have custom events and will do far more damage to public order than other races, due to their skill of wreaking havok on the world from a place of secrecy.


I will always make mods for free but any help is appreciated and great encouragement![]

Required items:

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UI Modding FrameworkSteam Workshop

Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.