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Author: FelixBlobDev

Last revision: 11 Aug, 2023 at 21:31 UTC (2)

File size: 1.3 MB

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Mudkip, the Mud Fish Pokemon, now playable in Rivals of Aether! Mudkip is a small and quick glass-cannon character.

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Neutral Special
For neutral special, Mudkip charges up Bubble Beam. More charge means more bubbles!

Side Special
For side special, Mudkip uses Surf! A multihit move that can carry opponents off the side, or be used to recover. If Mudkip surfs over his mud puddle, Surf becomes Muddy Water, making it extra powerful!

Up Special
Up special is Hydro Pump! Mudkip fires a blast of water downwards, which launches him upward. Can also spike opponents below him!

Down Special
Down special is two different moves: Dive and Mud Sport.
If used in the air, it becomes Dive, which will make Mudkip dive downwards. It can spike enemies on the way down, and if he reaches the ground he will go underwater. When underwater, Mudkip can’t be hit and you can press Special again to leap out and attack!
The grounded version, Mud Sport, makes a mud puddle which can be used together with other moves! A lot of moves when used near the puddle will make mud projectiles. The puddle also makes Mudkip slippery when he’s on top of it.

Sky Pillar

Mudkip also comes with a stage; Sky Pillar!

Compatibility List

– Toon Link
– Villager
– Jigglypuff
– Abyss Runes
– Steve
– BoTW Link


– Skycrafter, for the pokeball in the intro animation

If you want more characters like this, you can also support me by donating!
Tags:Pokemon, Pokemon Stadium, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Hoenn, Mudkip, Marshtomp, Swampert, Jigglypuff, Pikachu, Super Smash Bros Ultimate

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Sky Pillar (Pokemon)Steam Workshop
JigglypuffSteam Workshop

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