I. M. Meen

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Author: FelixBlobDev

Last revision: 4 Nov, 2023 at 21:11 UTC (3)

File size: 15.29 MB

On Steam Workshop


The most powerful magician in the world, I. M. Meen! With a strange moveset and a floaty zoner playstyle, he’s finally here to escort the bookworms of Rivals of Aether to their cozy cells!

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Neutral Special
For NSpecial, I. M. Meen uses one of 3 random wands! Each one works differently, and fires a projectile forward. If Book has been placed, the wand will fire from that position and aim for a nearby player.

Side Special
Meen spins around rapidly, just like at the end of the original game. Can move during the attack, and sends opponents backwards at the end.

Up Special
I. M. Meen uses his magical teleportation powers! Can go through collision and is fairly quick. The teleport will travel wherever your control stick is aiming. Also, holding SPECIAL while using this and having book out will make Meen teleport to the book!

Down Special
I. M. Meen takes out his Book! An attack in itself, but while the book is out it will change how some moves function. Summons will spawn from it, and so will projectiles like Jab3 and NSpecial. There are ups and downs to having the book out, however!

I. M. Meen’s Labyrinth

I. M. Meen also comes with a stage; I. M. Meen’s Labyrinth!


– Most alts have special intro sounds, death sounds, etc. Some also have special victory themes and a special sound when losing their last stock!
– Meen has 3 taunts. Side taunt summons Gnorris!


– DonGT, for contributing code to the CSS mute button and making some of the extra CSS art
– Skycrafter, for sentence-mixing some extra sounds

Compatibility List

– Toon Link
– Villager
– Abyss Runes
– Miiverse
– Wily Castle
– Green Flower Zone
– Mt. Dedede Stadium
– Boxing Ring
– Steve
– BoTW Link

Check out the rest of the roster!


Required items:

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I. M. Meen's LabyrinthSteam Workshop

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