Leugi’s Haiti Civilization and Touissaint Louverture

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Authors: Captain Lime, Leugi

Last revision: 3 Jan, 2019 at 23:21 UTC (1)

File size: 112.27 MB

On Steam Workshop


Adds the Haiti Civilization with Toussaint Louverture as its leader for Civilization VI Rise & Fall.

Concept: Haiti is a place of huge historic importance, considered the "Mother of Liberty", because it was one of the first places to adopt abolition of slavery, and the first where a revolt led directly by the enslaved was succesful. Against all odds, the nation managed to implement rather novel policies before many, thanks to the inspiration of their leaders, and of Voodoo, their religion. While Haiti faced many hardships, the faith of their people prevails whenever they manage to grow beyond these hardships. Because of this, Haiti ingame is focused on attaining Era Score through freeing Builders. If you do this while enduring a Dark Age, the new Heroic Age you can attain can help you acquire policies before your opponents. Faith, Policies and the overcoming of their many obstacles is what defines Haiti’s playstyle.

Focus: Faith, Culture and Era Score
UA: Mother of Liberty: Upon entering a new Era, you unlock 4 of the Policy Cards of the Era instantly, earning 4 additional Policy Cards if you enter a Heroic Age. Earning Era Score grants a burst of Faith, increased during Dark Ages.
UU: Mawon: Unique Haitian standalone land melee unit unlocked at the discovery of Colonialism. Mawon have a chance of liberating a Builder unit from defeating enemy military units. They also receive a major combat bonus during Dark Ages.
UD: Citadelle: Unique Haitian replacement for the Encampment District. The Citadelle may only be built on Hills and Cliffs, but it provides a standard Culture Adjacency Bonus from Coast Tiles, Harbors and Luxury Resources. They also unlock the "Abolition" Project which provides Culture and grants Era Score from removing Builders withing the city’s territory (+1 for every Builder Charge expended)

Leader: Touissaint Louverture:
LUA: Artisan of Abolition: The Abolition project requires 50% less Production during Dark Ages; and upon completion unlocks the Government for Policy changes. Pillaging tiles with Luxury Resources grants a free Builder.
Agenda: Soul of a Free Man: Despises those civilizations who would hold a leash on Builders, owning many of them. Likes civilizations who respect him by honouring their promises to him.

The leader is not animated. The civilization uses Zulu’s music because sadly custom Music is still out of reach.

Special thanks to JFD for his aid in coding the Abolition Project and Lime for some of the pedias. Also special thanks to chrisy since without peeking at his code this would not have worked. Also thanks to all the other lads for existing.

(drawing by urdnot)

Disclaimer: I’m aware many of my older mods are not up to date. While it is my intention to update them eventually please understand I’m not at a point where I can devote 100% of my time to modding, so I have to pick and choose what projects I want to do more carefully. This doesn’t mean the updates will never come, but I ask you guys to be patient, as this stuff takes a lot more time and effort than you can sometimes imagine.

Reccommended to use with the following mods:
Leugi’s City Style Pack

Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

Sid Meier's Civilizationu00ae VI: Rise and Fall

Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.