The Aeramore Expansion V7.30 [50.10/51.+]

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Author: Gasper Vladi

Last revision: 17 Apr at 16:59 UTC (5)

File size: 16.49 MB

On Steam Workshop

Basic Info

This mod takes in the Vanilla concept and adds more spice, culture, and FUN to the game. New Races, Beasts, Weapons, Secrets, Destruction, Chaos, and so much more that is at and there is a guide here on the discussion board for this mod! When you chose to use this mod, make sure you are either playing on a Medium or Large map if you want the full fun experience of all races, and if you wish to experience all Secrets that there is to know, you may need to use Advanced World Creation to raise the number of secrets. It’s your choice.. but beware.. this world might seem nice, simple, and full of life, but deep down inside, its dangerous. So have fun! This mod also allows you to play as all races except for the Cave related races! Difficulty wise for this Mod, I would say it can be difficult, easy at times with all the new things, but also dangerously hard at other times.

DO NOT use this mod if you are fairly new to Dwarf Fortress and/or are very unaware of DF’s vanilla bugs/issues, alot of people seem to be coming to this mod about vanilla issues.

It is highly advised to not use this mod with other metal-adding, or weapon adding mods since this one already adds a cluster of them, if anything just make sure you leave this mod to load lastly AND make sure this mod is at the bottom of the list, or last to be loaded basically.

Other Notes:

If anyone finds any issues or bugs, let me know in the Discussions tab for bugs, I will compile them over time and eventually send out a new update, OR if its gamebreaking related, obviously it will be out quickly.

This is primarily for the Steam Version. Looking for the Classic Free version? Check out my Bay12Forum Post.

Also the answer is unfortunately no to seperating magic, or the races, or the creatures into their own mod. Theres to many things that connect between each other.


If you are having issues with compatibility, PLEASE READ:
Major/Overhaul Mods that re-define the main Entities will NOT be compatible with generic workshop mods that require the vanilla defined entity for them to work. Till the Devs implement a way for modders to easily make things compatible without a constantly spam of errors being spat out, there is no good way to make this happen. Making mods compatible for DF isnt the same as Minecraft or Terraria or PZ.

Graphic Mods should work just fine, but anything that adds new Reactions, or Workshops will not work with major mods.

Are there textures?

While there are textures for this mod for creatures/items/workshops, If anyone wishes to help out with making unique textures for this mod (creatures and civ creatures) you are welcome to direct message me on Discord(im in the Kitfox discord as Gasper Vladi/Fatace) or message me on the Bay12forums. If you are wanting to help, let me know what creatures you would like to texture, and I will let you know what creatures are currently being worked on, and so on, double check in the raws to know what things currently look like, if they appear as resprites of other vanilla creatures, then you are welcome to help out with making custom textures for them!

Current Textures/Creators within the mod:

Zombun – Ork Textures!
Hese – Urhorken, Itcharli, Saedra armor and Draconei Textures!
Deathsear – Yjorel Textures!

Adventure Mode?

Sadly adventure is not *Fully* out yet, and half of the mechanics within Adventure mode (the beta) are not useable till DF updates completely. So currently all of the crafting and secret abilities do not work currently.


Before bringing up a issue or bug, make sure you check in with vanilla known bugs first, and/or Kitfox’s discord in the bug channel, there are ALOT of bugs/Crash issues that are out of modders control. Vanilla crashes are a known issue in general with DF currently. If you are going to post a crash issue in this mod’s thread, make sure you tell me the detailed info on how it crashed, or world gen settings, or what mods you have.

Sadly there are vanilla bugs which hinder major mods atm:
– Smaller races cannot use big weapons in Fortress Mode. That is why your creatures may not be woodcutting is because you chose a weapon that is to big in size for them (this is a old annoying vanilla bug)

~ There is also the issue that some mods may not be compatible with this mod. If you are using a mod that edits/adds any of the Main entities (civs), the game will most likely crash as its trying to add to a entity that was cut because my mod cuts the original entities and adds in modified versions of originals.

~ Known issues with this mod are posted in the bug thread.

Plans for Next update:
– N/A


Q: Can the mod be seperated for just the magic or civs?
A:The mod cannot be seperated into parts due to a large majority of the parts effects other parts.

Q: How do I select a Race for Embark?
A: You just click the button in the bottom right, "Choose Origin Civilization".

Q: My items seem to be weird or not useable from the Play Now button?
A: Do NOT use "play now" for the embark, you NEED to prepare carefully. There is also an issue with Vanilla DF that some sizes of created cannot wield bigger weapons in only Fortress Mode.

Q: My Arcane Forge is not working and it will not let me do anything?
A: The Arcane Forge REQUIRES lava, similar to the magma furnaces.

Q: Is there a Wiki/Guide for this Mod?
A: There is a guide in one of the discussion Threads.

Q: My Traders dont seem to have much or anything?
A: If this happens, double check to see how well that civ is surviving, if its barely alive/at war and losing…then the caravans may not have much or anything to offer, specially on the first time. This is a Vanilla DF mechanic, made more common through having more unique civs in your world.


A community discord server has been made for the mod! Please make sure you follow the rules (the same as Kitfox’s DF server).

After you join you will only see a limited channels, if you wish to be apart of the community, just ask in the "Welcome" chat to have the members role to see more.