Villager (Animal Crossing)

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Author: FelixBlobDev

Last revision: 6 May at 14:30 UTC (13)

File size: 5.07 MB

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The Villager from Animal Crossing hops on Dodo Airlines to join Rivals of Aether! Villager heavily resembles his Smash Bros. incarnation, but with some twists!

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This is part of the 2022 Triple Pack, check out the rest of the pack!


Neutral Special: Pocket
Pockets projectiles just like in Smash Bros, and can throw them out again at any time. Unlike in Smash Bros though, Villager can pocket his own projectiles as well! What projectile he currently has pocketed is shown on his UI.
(For more about compatibility with Pocket, check out the guide further down on the page)

Side Special: Lloid Rocket
Button can be tapped to throw out the rocket, or held to ride it. The rocket can also be hit by Villager (or anyone else) to knock it off-course!
While riding it, Villager can slow down, speed up, or move up and down!

Up Special: Balloon Trip
Flies up using his balloons! A great recovery move that can go incredibly far, but is limited by fuel. Fuel is used in larger amounts the longer Villager stays aerial, and won’t replenish until he lands. The balloons can also be popped, which leaves Villager vulnerable for a while as he falls!
Unlike the Smash Bros version, Villager can cancel this move, but it becomes slower the less fuel he has.

Down Special: Timber
Plants a sapling, which can then be grown into a tree! Once a tree has been grown, it can also be chopped down with the axe!
Unlike in Smash, the watering can will always be used in the air if there’s no tree. Villager can also use the axe at any time if he holds Parry during DSpecial’s startup!
The axe can also be charged to be more powerful, and at full charge it can cut a tree in 1 swing!

An extra move Villager can use with Attack+Parry! Lets you use the net to grab opponents (and projectiles), and throw them in 4 different directions!

Villager comes with his own stage; Tortimer Island from Animal Crossing!


– If Villager has a slingshot projectile pocketed while using FAir/BAir, he will fire two projectiles!
– If Villager has a balloon pocketed and uses USpecial, he will replenish some fuel and get a bigger vertical boost!
– With a bowling ball pocketed, it can be fired with the slingshot if you hold Attack!
– Kewtian alts have some special effects! Same is true for certain other alts!

Compatibility List

– Himself (obviously)
– Toon Link
– Abyss Runes
– Miiverse
– Wily Castle
– Nintendo Wii Wiimote
– Steve
– BoTW Link


– Skycrafter, for the basic built-in Pocket icons, many of the existing KoB characters Pocket icons, and the minecraft alt’s unique sprites
– DonGT, for some alt sprites like the golf stuff, apple and planet slingshots, etc. Also some of the AI code

Check out the rest of the roster!
Tags:Animal Crossing, AC, Villager, Animal Crossing Wild World, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Animal Crossing New Horizons, Tom Nook, Isabelle, Super Smash Bros Ultimate