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Author: FelixBlobDev

Last revision: 15 Feb at 18:36 UTC (1)

File size: 5.67 MB

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The Kewtian Goddess of Reflections, and an important character in Super Gear Quest, comes to Rivals of Aether! Pauline is a heavy character with powerful attacks, command grabs, and anti-zoning tools.
She may be a bit slow, but makes up for it with her giant range, reflectors, and grab combos!

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This is part of the 2022 Triple Pack, check out the rest of the pack!


Neutral Special
Pauline hits in front of her with the Wave, and takes aim! Can be aimed in 4 different directions, and when released she uses the Scattershot function of her weapon to fire a shotgun-like blast.

Side Special
Pauline uses her Wave! Fires a large reflective blast, which will reflect projectiles and hit opponents. The Special button can also be held to fire an additional projectile!

Up Special
Pauline uses her own variation of the Airdash! Unlike Starter, she can only use this once, but she will tackle opponents on the way.

Down Special
Pauline uses her powers and makes a mirror made of space itself! This mirror will reflect opponents that get launched into it, allowing her to combo them in interesting and unique ways. The mirror can also reflect Pauline’s own projectiles as well!
If a mirror is already out, Pauline will instead surround herself with a circular shield. This shield will reflect any projectile that hits it, but at a catch… The projectile will bounce off the shield depending on where it hit, which can send it in many different angles!
Also, while Pauline has her shield up, she is able to move the mirror around, as well as break it by pressing Attack, or flip it by pressing Parry. When flipped, the mirror allows for all sorts of combos that it wouldn’t do normally!
The shield can also be used at any time by pressing Parry during the startup of DSpecial, even without a mirror out.

Super Gear Quest

Pauline comes from Super Gear Quest, a Metroidvania which released May 5th, 2020 (inspired by games like Metroid, Cave Story, Kirby, etc). I developed the game by myself and made this mod in hopes that a few more people would learn about the game, so please check it out!


– Pauline uses an Ammo system. Some moves will deplete her ammo, and she only gets it back by hitting opponents with physical attacks, or very slowly over time.
– If you hold Shield and press Attack a lot during the start of the match, you can enable a special mode which makes Pauline much stronger… Use with care.
Although note that this won’t work unless the opponent is holding Jump to allow you to use this mode, or if the opponent is a CPU. This is mainly to prevent people from abusing this feature online.
– Set a Pauline CPU to Level 1 for boss mode! This mode isn’t invincible, but Pauline will use more of her power!

Compatibility List

– Toon Link
– Villager
– Abyss Runes
– Miiverse
– Wily Castle
– Green Flower Zone
– Trial Grounds
– Last Resort
– Mt. Dedede Stadium
– Boxing Ring
– Agent N
– Steve
– BoTW Link


– Skycrafter, for editing the aerial NSpecial sprite

Check out the rest of the roster!
If you want more characters like this, you can also support me by donating!
Tags:Kewtian, Pauline, Super Gear Quest, Mirror, Reflect, Heavy, Grabs, Space, God, Giant, OC

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