Dan Backslide

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Author: FelixBlobDev

Last revision: 6 May at 15:25 UTC (9)

File size: 8.81 MB

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Dan Backslide, the former sneak of Roquefort Hall, coward bully cad and thief, and arch-enemy of the Dover Boys, squanders his misspent life into Rivals of Aether…

Dan Backslide from the Dover Boys, now in Rivals for April Fools! Dan is an unorthodox character, based around lots of self damage and weird moves.

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Neutral Special
Dan claims to hate the opponent! Anyone near him will get the Hate status effect, which results in them taking 1.5x damage from all of Dan’s attacks… But he’ll also take 1.5x damage from them, too.

Side Special
A runabout? I’ll steal it! No one will ever know! Dan steals a runabout, and drive forward. The runabout can be knocked around, and Dan himself can also be hit out of the runabout while driving. Dan can also get back into the runabout at any time if it is on the stage!

Up Special
Dan summons Dora Standpipe, because he loves her (fathers money). However, she will throw him immediately, resulting in some self damage (and a pretty good recovery move, especially if you hold Special).
Afterwards, Dora will stay in one spot and bang on a door, kicking anyone who gets too close behind her (including Dan himself)! If she takes enough damage, she will walk off the stage and disappear.
However if Dora is already out (or you cancel the move during startup with shield/parry in the air), Dan will instead hark smoke downwards, which is a weaker (but faster) recovery option.

Down Special
Dan hates the Dover Boys so much that they drive him to drink! A very slow move, but it has a powerful hitbox when it comes out, and afterwards Dan is allowed to drink as much as he wants to as long as you hold special. Drinking will heal Dan rapidly, but it will also make him drunk if you have too much!
When Dan is drunk, he will become slippery, and he’ll hiccup at random… Even during attacks! So depending on your luck, this can be good or bad.

Tavern of Unsavory Repute

Dan Backslide also comes with a stage; Tavern of Unsavory Repute!


– Dan’s moonwalk is The Backslide… An amazing technique which gives Dan an excellent movement option that he can use to steal Runabouts.
– Dan has 3 different taunts: normal, up, and down! Also, if you do his normal taunt and press attack, he has an extra taunt, too…
– Like Morshu and I. M. Meen, a lot of Dan’s alts have unique sounds!

Compatibility List

– Toon Link
– Villager
– Abyss Runes
– Miiverse
– Mt. Dedede Stadium
– Boxing Ring
– Steve
– BoTW Link


– Skycrafter for editing some Miiverse compatibility

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