Big and Small – Vampires and the Undead

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Author: RedMattis

Last revision: 28 Apr at 16:05 UTC (4)

File size: 14.47 MB

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Adds Genes, Xenotypes, and Mechanics related to Vampires ("Sanguophages"), Demons, and the Undead.

The Undead

The Returned are people who have returned from death, often said to do so because of some unfinished business. They are robust and tenacious, but struggle to heal even the smallest wounds. Their bodies also rapidly deteriorate with time, and without the like of bionics they will often eventually become almost incapacitated by brittle bones and bad backs


There is some debate over whether Ghouls are living, undead, or some sort of demon inhabiting a corpse. What is known is that they like hanging around graveyards and old battlefields where they devour the corpses of the dead. Hardly anyone wants to be around the ghouls, those their repulsive appearance does not scare away often falter to their scent of rotting blood and death.

Unlike most of the undead Ghouls actually bleed, something some vampires have made use of.


Wait wasn’t the DOCTOR’S name Dr Frankenstein? This should just be called "The Monster", right?
These undead creatures have their fairly remarkable ability to customize themselves using the parts of dead bodies. The traits and genes of these bodies can be used to give the monster new genes as long as their metabolism can handle it. With a bit of luck even archite genes can be gained this way.
Gained gene is chosen from a list of 4 + genes from traits, gender, body-type.


Nosferatu terrifying blood-drinking monster associated with diseases, maggots and filth. It is said rats and disease follow in their wake. Nosferatu, even by vampire standards, fear the sun. Be careful not to fight them during the night; when unhindered by the sun they have disturbing speed and agility.

Nosferatu are rarely seen, perhaps in part due to their disfigured appearance, unfortunately also due to their great skill at hunting down poorly defended humans.


Often described as "Traditional" vampires, the Dracul have been known to possess an assortment of powers. Incredible strength, unbelievable healing during the night time, and a strange rapport with nocturnal animals are just the tip of the iceberg of what is attributed to their kind.

Dracul, especially ones newly turned by a weak Dracul, have been known to have very limited ability to adapt and learn to handle new situations. They also dread fire and struggle to put up a fight if caught out in the daylight.

Humans infected with Vampirism from Dracul will reanimate after death (see image in reel). How powerful they will be and what faction they’ll be aligned to depends on who infected them with the Vampirism in the first place. Vampirism can be cured if caught early and the victim kept safe.

White Rose

Outlanders often argue about whether or not White Rose vampires are even truly undead, but what is for sure is that they are very good at blending in with regular humans and have a troubling tendency of being found at key positions in organisations.

White Rose vampires are less physically powerful than most vampires, but are relatively unbothered by the sun, and can somewhat hold their own at night. Their main skill lies in manipulating others to their benefit.

These vampires have a bite which will gradually enthrall victims, making them increasingly dependent on the vampires, slower to learn, more obedient, but also work harder.

White rose vampires have a bad habit of biting human lovers when hungry, try to keep them fed to avoid tragedies.


Succubi are shape-shifting demons that take the preferred form for their victim to feed on their strength and vitality. At least that is how it is told.

One most troubling things about them is how skilled they are at entrancing their quarry. Those caught by the Succubus will often violently defend the demon should it be threatened. Leaving the Succubus alive can also be dangerous though since they have a tendency to drain their lovers dry unless kept well satisfied.

When cornered Succubi are sometimes known to take on a more powerful horrible form.

Succubi in male form are often known as Incubi.

(The Succubi in the image can generate with some genes from Sarg’s "Alpha Genes", and many of those shown in the image are from there.)

Other Demons

Very rarely the Undead Hordes will raid you with an all-demon force containing a variety of otherwise not seen demon xenotypes.


Transform into a wolf-like form at night or during eclipses. Werewolves are highly infectious, make sure to treat your injured colonists as soon as possible after combat if they’ve gotten a werewolf bite.

Undead Hordes

Roaming hordes of the undead. Fearless and often with a taste for the flesh of the living. Many have forgotten who they were, or are perhaps their minds are no longer their own.
The attacking hordes vary by their origins, sometimes outposts are attacked by undead civilians, other time steel-clad knights, or modern soldiers. Rarely powerful enigmatic creatures appear to lead the hordes against well protected outposts.

Undead Faction

This is a faction populated by the undead and nearly dead. Most of the population are deathlike Ghouls as well as the revenants known as the Returned. While the group has some willingness to perform diplomacy most Outlanders warn that they are despised by most groups for a reason.

Note that the "Undead Faction", unlike the Undead Hordes, uses standard equipment and raid-pawns. That means raids from them can be a bit tougher than usual, especially if you lack ways to exploit their weaknesses. If picking between the two I’d suggest the Undead Hordes, they have a bit more special stuff going on.

Mod interactions

Succubi grab a few genes from here if available. Also Nosferatu’s ears.

Vanilla Races Expanded – Highmate

Succubi will grab a few genes from here.

Be warned that the mod adds a "Psychic Bond (Warrior)" which buffs Succubus damage by x1.5. I’m planning on adding a patch to suppress this on Succubi specifically since it is quite OP on a pawn that is already so good at melee.

Animal Feeder for Nosferatu.
Feral Dracul gain CorpseFeeder. Later levels lose it.
Older Dracul get Sanguofeeder. Same goes for Half-Vampires.
Dracul Masters gain the Strigori’s Hemomosis power, so they can finally roleplay Alucard from Hellsing.

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Big and Small - FrameworkSteam Workshop
Big and Small - Genes & MoreSteam Workshop

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