Emerald’s Tweaks & Features

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Author: Emerald Galaxy 20

Last revision: 29 Jan at 01:53 UTC (7)

File size: 1.68 MB

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This is an expansive collection of tweaks, features, fixes and assists to help fine tune and improve your Rain World experience!


Since the start of Downpour’s release, I have compiled a mod
including all the tweaks, fixes, and features I’ve made
to make the game more enjoyable (and bearable in some cases).

There are quite a few tweaks here so there’s bound to be something
for everyone. And in addition, there are also some cool features
to enjoy like rare creatures, weather and more.

I’m always open to new ideas so if you have any
suggestions for tweaks or features please feel free to leave a comment down below.
I hope you enjoy tweaking your game, and exploring the things the mod has to offer!

NOTE: This is a reupload because I could no longer update the original for some
reason. If at some point I am able to update it again, I may switch
back to it, but for the time being, this will be the most up-to-date
version of the mod.

Feature List

The features included in this mod are all ideas that I’ve been expanding on for a while now.
They are perhaps the best part of the mod so please, do try them out!
I hope you enjoy these features as I continue to improve and develop them.

Slugsomnia – Adds various random wakeup events. Face the dangers of the night, or enjoy a multitude of unique weather events. It’s all highly configurable, so you can tweak and customize the experience to your liking!

Shiny Spawns – Strange things have been sighted out in the world, so be sure to keep an eye out!

Tweak List
Slugcat Tweaks

Deep Breathing – Gives all slugcats increased breath while underwater.

No More Batgrab – Disables auto-grabbing of batflys. For those who don’t need the game to do it for them.

Back Spear For All – Allows all slugcats to equip a backspear, even when not playing expedition mode.

Slug Charisma – Allows all slugcats to passively gain reputation by simply existing, and allows Artificer to befriend Scavengers. Go make some friends!

Chad Gourmand – Buffs Gourmand’s climbing speed, and allows him to throw more spears before getting winded.

Violent Saint – Allows Saint to throw spears. Now you can finally open those popcorn plants!

Resilient Saint – Makes it so Saint no longer gets one shot by everything.

Thick Spearmaster – Makes Spearmaster as thick as the other slugcats.

Winter Coat – Gives you fluffier fur, allowing you to stay out in the cold without freezing. Lasts until the blizzard starts.

Deadly Spears – Makes spears, and rocks thrown by you deal increased damage. Mauling also deals quite a bit more damage as well.

Antacid Coating – Coats your body in a powerful antacid, allowing you to touch lethal acid multiple times without dying.

Gameplay Tweaks

Glowy Slug – Allows you to start with the Neuron Glow effect.

Enlightened Slug – Allows you to start with the Mark of Communication.

Attunement – Allows you to encounter echos without activating them first. (If you have enough karma)

Karmic Balance – Allows Saint and Artificer to start with 5 karma levels already unlocked, and makes all slugcats spawn a karma flower on death.

Special Spear Spawns – Allows explosive, electric, and fire spears to spawn naturally in all campaigns.

Simpleflips – Adds a new keybind that allows you to do a small backflip. (Works on poles!)
[Keybind is Configurable]

Egg Yeet – Allows you to yeet firebug eggs with the same strength as throwing a spear.

Unlimited Passage – Allows you to use a passage as many times as you want. Picks art at random from currently acquired passages.

Unrestricted Passage – Allows Hunter and Saint to use passages. Finally!

Creature Tweaks

Leech Repellent – Prevents ‘most’ leeches from grabbing on to you. Other creatures are not affected by this effect.

Respectful Worms – Gives garbage worms a newfound respect for slugcats, so they no longer steal your spears. They still steal from scavs though, because they deserve it.

Wormgrass Immunity – Makes wormgrass unable to touch you; now they can be used as a decently safe hiding spot!

Rotproof – Tired of dying to the rot covered walls that can’t even move? Well with this new lubricative solution, you can glide off them with ease!

Stowaway Energizer"Stowaway isn’t real! Stowaway can’t hurt you!" Makes stowaways much more likely to be awake, so that they can be encountered more often.

Brave Pups – Makes slugpups more brave, so they won’t grasp onto you and hinder your movement unless you grab them.

Anti-Spyware – Prevents the guide overseer from spawning, allowing you to explore without it’s guidance. (Reduced chance of a scav ‘accidentally’ killing you)

All tweaks and features can be enabled/disabled individually from the ingame remix menu. Advanced options are also available to those who know what they’re doing.

Known Bugs

– Shiny Spawns is incompatible with Shadows of Lizards

– Attunement is very buggy when playing Saint/Artificer, so you may want to disable it before playing as either of them


This would never have come out if my friends Arden
and Lucky didn’t encourage me to release it, but it also would never have gotten
this far without the support from everyone in the community
thank you all for your loving support! <3

Special thanks to LordStormia and Scuglat for playtesting!