Heavy Melee Weapons (Continued)

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Author: Mlie

Last revision: 23 Sep, 2023 at 19:03 UTC (1)

File size: 4.17 MB

On Steam Workshop


Update of Blazen_Rock, xrushha, legodude17, amnabi, Kitsunes mod
with permission

– Added EnableOversizedWeapons as a requirement instead of including it in the mod


This mod is officially dead. I’m forever grateful to all the people who supported this project. If you’d like to adopt this mod, hit me up on the Rimworld Discord: Blazen_Rock

Big Swords and Exoframes Help Brawlers Keep Mechanoids at Bay.

Have you ever wanted to chop mechanoids to pieces with an oversized sword? Lay waste to your enemies with a red-hot incendiary cannon? Crush the under the immense presence of a psychic warhammer? Now you can do that and more with this mod.

Tools of the Trade

Heavy Melee Weapons provides users to make melee combat a bit more engaging via the introduction of powerful weapons and equipment.

Added with the 1.1 update.


Heavy Melee Weapons has compatibility patches for these mods:
Combat Extended– Caulaflourer
Vanilla Weapons Expanded – Heavy Weapons– Allows Pawns with Exoframes to equip heavy melee weapons
Misha’s Craftable Royalty Weapons – Research required to craft HMWs is merged into Ultratech Weapons.
Persona Bond Forge– Adds craftable persona variants of Heavy Melee Weapons

Heavy Melee Weapons must be loaded after:
Vanilla Expanded Framework

Heavy Melee Weapons should be loaded before:
Vanilla Weapons Expanded – Heavy – Reloading Patch

Language Patches

Chinese – Made by MZM_GOW


Art by Kitsune
Workshop Graphics by Halno
XML by xrushha
C# by legodude17 & Amnabi
Oskar Potocki for allowing the use of his code in the mod and the textures visible in thumbnail(Vanilla Textures Expanded).
CE Patch by Caulaflourer

PackageId:Pitchstone.Heavy Melee Weapons

  • See if the the error persists if you just have this mod and its requirements active.
  • If not, try adding your other mods until it happens again.
  • Post your error-log using HugsLib and command Ctrl+F12
  • For best support, please use the Discord-channel for error-reporting.
  • Do not report errors by making a discussion-thread, I get no notification of that.
  • If you have the solution for a problem, please post it to the GitHub repository.

Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

RimWorld - Royalty
Required items:

Click the title to search on this site.

Vanilla Expanded FrameworkSteam Workshop
Enable Oversized WeaponsSteam Workshop

Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.