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Author: Xoudad

Last revision: 1 May at 11:11 UTC (4)

File size: 14.06 MB

On Steam Workshop


"There are not enough words in your simple tongue to express our hatred for them, Human. Killers, despoilers, slavers and thieves we name them, but not one of these oft-earned titles begins to describe the depths of their depravity. They have neither mercy nor honour. They roam and kill in darkness called up by their foul sorceries. They are so base as to specifically target children for their depredations. The capricious folk of Ulthuan claim that they are their despised kin, exiled long ago, but truly, can one ever trust the words of an Elf?"
—Hargrim Furgilsson, Dwarf Trader

This mod is both porting my Game 2 content and will add further fun stuff for the the Dark Elves, the Druchii as they call themselves in their own tongue, also known as the Naggarothi, one of the most ancient, powerful, and certainly the most sadistic of the three Elven civilisations of the mortal world.

Eternity Guard

"No other formation upon the Isle of the Dead so completely reflected the spirit of the Phoenix King: darkness leavened by Asuryan’s fire, ruthlessness balanced by nobility of spirit. Though their ranks were not intermingled, the two factions of elven guard fought side-by-side, the once-bitter enemies united in Malekith’s service. It mattered little that the Black Guard fought out of promise of plunder, whilst the Phoenix Guard were bound to fulfil their own destiny. All that mattered was that their halberds were sharp and their hearts resolute, and these they undoubtedly were."

This mod adds the Shadowfire Guard [warhammerfantasy.fandom.com] straight from End Times :

  • Mixed unit of Phoenix Guards and Black Guards
  • Best stats of the 2 units
  • Both DE and HE abilities
  • Available to HE when capturing Naggarond & DE when capturing Lothern
  • Buffed by the same skills as Phoenix Guards for HE and Black Guards for DE

The Endless

"She told him how the Endless were given to the Iron Fortress as babes, taken as a sort of tithe from each of the highborn families in Naggarond. The witches received training by Morathi herself, while the warriors were taught by a highborn named “Lord Nuarc, the finest warlord in the Witch King’s warband. They served Malekith until death, at which point their mask and gear were given to a waiting neophyte. There were always a thousand of the Endless, guarding the precincts of the Iron Fortress and marching with the Witch King when the druchii went to war."

This unit was done as a submission for the Modding Den’s[discord.gg] January 2021 Mod Jam, themed "Elf?". The Endless are a new unit to the Dark Elves roster, Malekith’s Endless based on both Malus and G&F novels :

  • Elite great swords infantry
  • Few models as they are rare in lore
  • Available at Naggarond Witch King landmark and the Lothern Phoenix King landmark for all DE factions
  • Available at tier5 major settlements building for Malekith only
  • Available to Malus as a RoR given by Malekith at rank 7

More to Come !

Next step is to add my Game 2 fleetmasters and I should be done with DE porting 🙂

Credits :

Links :

As always, thanks to our small community on Discord that does not stop feeding crazy ideas to make and improve mods.

If you want to share your ideas, lore discussions or just see what we are up to, join us on Discord [discord.gg].


Everything I do is for my own use and for the community, but if you want to support my work, you can still buy me a beer via my Patreon[www.patreon.com] 🙂



Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.