V联萌:白龙贺岁篇-VLeague: Happy Loong Year [v1.10b]【EN/CN】

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Authors: 菜鸟级炎火村猎人, 萌萌鳐Manta

Last revision: 3 Mar at 12:00 UTC (14)

File size: 150.93 MB

On Steam Workshop

冲突Can’t with

[dami-More Tiers] has some bug cause unique item apper more times.
[dami-Elements] mod will break the lolly weapon


请同时更新前置mod,Please update the necessary mod at the same time.
通知:制作组成员 “萌萌鳐” (策划兼投资者)因现实原因无法长时间使用网络,联系十分困难,因此后续V联萌的更新进度将极大幅延缓。但本喵承诺将继续更新本mod。


b.1.debuff the [black cat toy]
b.2.add sounds for new weapons
a.0.fixed some text
a.1. New Role [White loong TiNA]
a.2. Tina’s two weapons
a.3. Tina’s three-piece suit, one challenge item
a.4. New Year three-piece set.
a.5. New title cover
ps. No funds ~ Content updates will stop after this (BUG fix will not stop) ~ Thank you all for your visit ~
ps.The original plan was to update it for the New Year, but because the artist’s roommate was sick, the artist had to take care of his roommate. So it was delayed for a very long time. But after all, it’s still the Year of the Loong



This mod will contineusly add new characters and weapons and items about Manta’s friends, they are all little live streaming maker on Bilibili (such as vtuber)

当前内容 Content Now

角色 Characters:20
武器 Weapons:29
道具 Items:69
系列 Sets:15


萌萌鳐 Manta:依靠幸运和独特的获取双倍道具的能力,愉快地进行游戏吧~
Manta has luck and the unique ability to get double items, have fun playing~

居 juu JUJU:收益与风险并存,超强的经济能力和三把独特的传奇武器
Benefits and risks, superior economic power and three unique legendary weapons

神萌燕 Sacred Lovely Swallow:超越极限的速度带来毁灭的冲击,以灵活的身法躲避攻击的同时消灭敌人。
Extreme speed delivers devastating impact, and destroy enemies while dodging attacks with dexterity.

团奈 TuanNai:最善良的天使,即将带来审判和净化。
The best angels are about to bring judgment and purification.

渡薯 DuShu:狼人少年踏上了异星的征途,用独特的变身机制扫除一切敌人。
Werewolf youth set foot on the journey of alien stars, with a unique transformation mechanism to wipe out all the enemies.

有梦想的 DTW:伟大的数学家即便面对挑战,也能用计算解决一切困难。
Great mathematicians, even when faced with challenges, can calculate their way out of any difficulty.

小满天星 LittleStarry:神奇而华丽的星之魔法,将彻底改变这枯燥的世界。
Magical and gorgeous star magic, will completely change this boring world.

兽兽 ShouShou:炉石科技的王牌,他带着游戏卡牌来到了异星。
The ACE of Hearthstone Tech, he took the game cards to another planet.

萌萌鳐(生日)Manta(Birthday ver):为了庆祝生日,鳐带来了礼花和快乐,别忘了许愿哦~
To celebrate his birthday, Manta brings fireworks and happiness, don’t forget to make a wish

梦境天使 Angel of DreamWorld:在名为梦境的空间,邪恶的天使占据了鳐的身体,即将进行血腥的复仇。
In the space called Dream World, evil angels have taken over the Manta’s body and are about to take bloody revenge.

狐祥 Fox Xiang:第四次梦境轮回的最终存活者,使用狐火的力量。
The final survivor of the fourth dream cycle, using the power of Foxfire.

九兆亿年的黑猫 Nine trillion years of black cats:第二次梦境轮回的参与者,失去记忆的他始终在寻找着什么。
The participant of the second dream cycle, who has lost his memory, is always looking for something.

琉璃萌涣 LiuLi: 第二次梦境轮回的主要人物,掌控海神之力,能凝聚出强大的武器进行战斗。
The main character of the second dream cycle, controlling the power of the sea God, can gather powerful weapons to fight.

幸运的黑猫(生日) Lucky Black Cat(Birthday ver):本来不会有这个角色的,但是我竟然收到了生日祝福(以前只有手机运营商和聊天软件记得我),于是连夜做了个生日角色。
There was never going to be a part. But I was surprised to find that I received birthday wishes (previously only my mobile phone carrier and chat app remembered me) and made a birthday character overnight.

居juu(生日特供) JUJU(birthday ver):A streamer of Brotato activing on Bilibili. He like use save and load to cheat a little.

星海咕叽 GuJi: 一个热爱音乐的普通少女,却背负着沉重的命运,是该逃避还是直面黑暗?
An ordinary girl who loves music, but is burdened with a heavy fate, should escape or face the darkness?

黑猫·灵影 Black Cat-Shadow:黑猫曾经的过往,年轻的他向往剑术与极致的速度,在闪避的同时发动凌厉的攻势!但那只是一次错误的尝试。。。
Black Cat’s past, young he yearned for swordplay and extreme speed, and launched a fierce offensive while evading! But that was just a false attempt…

白角龙缇娜 White loong TiNa:操控元素的力量,使用不同的元素发动强力的龙语魔法。极高的上手难度。
Manipulate elemental power and use different elements to unleash powerful Dragon Language magic. Extremely difficult to get started.

鸣谢 Thanks

以及所有正在游玩,喜欢本模组的 你
Thanks for all player who like this mod