Cherry Picker Duplicates List

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Author: test

Last revision: 26 May, 2023 at 09:44 UTC (1)

File size: 509.95 KB

On Steam Workshop


Tired of mods adding duplicate things? Well thanks to owlchemist’s cherry picker now you easily disable them from showing up in your game

This mod automatically creates lists of duplicate things based on the mods that you have enabled. These lists can be found in the Cherry Picker mod’s menu. To disable duplicate content, simply uncheck the corresponding DefList in the Cherry Picker menu.

Vanilla Expanded mods are the highest priority and things from them will not be removed. For example, if both VE and ACP add a Cheetah, the corresponding Cherry Picker DefList will have Cheetah from ACP.

Does nothing by default! Make sure to go to Settings>Mod Settings>Cherry Picker, search for "duplicates list" and uncheck `Remove all dupes`, or choose individual ones you want:

unchecking a stuff in cherry picker does not require game restart (rechecking does though).

  • This only removes very obvious duplicates.
  • Lists only appear if both appropriate mods are loaded.
  • This mod is pretty much a successor to Duplicate Animal Remover so if u used it u can switch to this one

If you have a lot of mods, you may get a lot of Cherry Picker lists. To quickly uncheck multiple lists, hold down the left mouse button and move your mouse over the check boxes. If you want to uncheck all list, just uncheck `Remove all dupes` instead.

Also If you uncheck a DefList for a mod that you have installed, and then remove that mod, while the DefList will be removed, the disabled items will remain disabled in Cherry Picker, so make sure to reenable them.

Technical info

here is an example deflist to show how this works

<!– Biomes! Islands > HC_Animal_1 –> <CherryPicker.DefList MayRequire="owlchemist.cherrypicker, biomesteam.biomesislands, hc.animal.1"> <defName>dupes_biomesteam_biomesislands_hc_animal_1</defName> <label>Biomes! Islands &gt; HC_Animal_1</label> <defs> <li MayRequire="biomesteam.biomesislands">PawnKindDef/HC_KomodoDragon</li> <!–BMT_KomodoDragon/komodo dragon–> <li MayRequire="biomesteam.biomesislands">ThingDef/HC_KomodoDragon</li> <!–BMT_KomodoDragon/komodo dragon–> <li MayRequire="biomesteam.biomesislands">ThingDef/EggKomodoDragonFertilized</li> <!–BMT_EggKomodoDragonFertilized/komodo dragon egg (fert.)–> </defs> </CherryPicker.DefList>

I use an app to generate those rules, I just give it two mod ids and it gives me the cherry picker deflist with duplicates. If you want to see all rules and all currently supported mods here they are

Currently pretty much all animal mods from the workshop are supported.

Haven’t done items yet, they are a bit more tricky to disable without disrupting other aspects of the game. For example, removing an item could break a production chain, make some research useless, or strip factions of their weapons and apparel. This is why the Scorpios Resource Dictionary exists, but it doesn’t have deflists, only tedious manual removal.

I don’t plan on adding other stuff like traits or biomes but if you think I should add something else, or if you know of any mods with duplicate stuff that you would like to see added to this mod, please let me know

Required items:

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Cherry PickerSteam Workshop

Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.