Seto Kaiba

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Authors: Owenglendor, Aperson, Zycanion

Last revision: 30 Jun at 15:02 UTC (2)

File size: 6.96 MB

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Seto Kaiba has arrived in the world of Rivals of Aether to crush all those third rate duelists with fourth rate decks. He comes armed with his most iconic monster Blue-Eyes White Dragon as well as a bunch of other monster, spell and trap cards to deal out the pain. This character was made as part of the 2023 Anime Jam.

Kaiba is a trapper type character who relies on making up for his slow speed and average attacks with summonable monsters which can act as additional damage dealers and provide stage control. He isn’t afraid to get dirty either, with a variety of physical attacks involving his fists, duel disk and even his suitcase!

Gimmick: Monster summons

Kaiba can summon three monsters onto the field which can provide additional attacks or act as a counter attack. Opponents can hit these monsters to deplete their health, when dealing the final hit, any excess damage that exceeds the monsters health is dealt directly to Kaiba instead! So while the monsters provide additional means to outnumber your opponent they also leave you more vulnerable at the same time.

Neutral Special: Blue-Eyes White Dragon

Kaiba Special Summons his most iconic monster, Blue-Eyes White Dragon. This legendary creature is a force of formidable power. Upon summon, Blue-Eyes will begin charging up its signature attack, Burst Stream of Destruction, releasing it when it reaches full power. If you throw a card at Blue-Eyes while its idle it will begin charging Burst Stream and if you throw a card at it while its charging it will immediately release the beam. You can only summon one Blue-Eyes White Dragon at any one time, summoning another will destroy the one on stage. Yes, you can’t summon three of them, its for balancing reasons OK? Blue-Eyes will automatically leave the stage after a certain period of time following the attack. If Blue-Eyes is destroyed Kaiba will take damage, which can be more if the damage exceeds Blue-Eyes’ health.

FSpecial: Card Throw/ABC Dragon Buster

Kaiba will throw a card at the opponent which acts as a projectile. The card does minimal damage but on hit it will fall to the ground and summon ABC Dragon Buster which attacks by lunging forward with both heads and its missile. ABC can attack twice before it goes away. It has slightly less health than Blue-Eyes so dies a bit easier but has a faster attack rate. The card throw cannot be used if both Blue-Eyes and ABC are on the field at the same time. Only one ABC can be on the field at any one time. If it is destroyed Kaiba will take damage, which can be more if the damage exceeds ABC’s health.

USpecial: Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon

Kaiba summons Blue Eyes Jet Dragon and flies straight upwards. You can change the angle the flight travels on startup by holding left or right. Since it’s a jet dragon it flies really fast, so recovery is swift but short. The move has an extended startup however to make it more difficult to use as a burst movement option. The move goes into pratfall upon the end of the flight. There is no hitbox on this move so be careful where you fly!

DSpecial: Maiden with Eyes of Blue

A counter attack with a twist. Kaiba summons Maiden with Eyes of Blue which will just stand there. If Maiden is attacked however she will transform into a Blue-Eyes White Dragon to hit the opponent. You can trigger this transformation yourself by throwing a card at Maiden so if someone is being careful not to trigger it but is near the Maiden you can punish them for it. Maiden will automatically despawn after a set period of time. There can only be one Maiden on the stage at any one time.

Final Smash: Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

Kaiba unleashes his Ultimate monster. He is locked in place for a while. Blue-Eyes ultimate Dragon charges up three laser beams before eventually firing them after a long time. The beams fire for an extremely long time and are a guaranteed KO with the damage they do but the move last so long that depending on where you set it up, the opponent might be able to avoid it very easily!

Kaiba also uses a bunch of other cards such as Obelisk the Tormentor, Crush Card Virus, Mirror Force, Mystical Space Typhoon and Shadow Spell as part of his moveset.

Kaiba has three voice options, no voice, English voice and Japanese voice. These can be selected on the character select screen. The English voice is Eric Stuart and the Japanese voice is Kenjiro Tsuda.


Base sprite by Rosar78

Main development team:
Zycanion: Art and Animation – Idle animation, movement, parry, Ground attacks, FStrong, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Blue-Eyes Jet Dragon, card sprites, general animation polish.

Owenglendor: Art and Animation – Movement, Aerials, UStrong, DStrong, ABC Dragon Buster, Maiden with Eyes of Blue, portrait, summon animations.

Aperson: Coding, HUD design, Sounds, Compatibility, Gameplay and balance

All of us: Moveset design

Special thanks to Zay, Meepson, Soka, Underachiever Mako and LilAdamBks for playtesting and feedback.

Kaiba has a custom AI, in case you were wondering.

Yu-Gi-Oh is copyright of the late Kazuki Takahashi and belongs to Shonen Jump.


Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.