Slaughterbrute, a Beast of Chaos

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Author: Pwner1

Last revision: 21 Aug at 05:38 UTC (3)

File size: 34.35 MB

On Steam Workshop


"The creature had been as vicious a combatant as any army of warriors and a hundred men had been butchered on that particular altar of hubris, torn to shreds by Ulfrgandr on the Plateau of Sighs in a battle that raged from the plateau to the Crater Gates, where daemon-engines had spat fire at the combatants."

—Grettir Many-Eyes, binding the Daemon Ulfrgandr, the Slaughter-Hound

*UPDATE* new models, thanks Dead Baron for the base for new heads.

Brings in an alternate build of the same kit that makes the Mutalith Vortex Beast in the latest DLC for all Chaos factions (excluding Tzeentch because the mutalith is a beast of sorcery). Undivided variant is available to norsca and several chaos factions, dedicated variants are available to Sigvald, Azazel, Valkia and Festus, Skarbrand, N’Kari and Daeomn Prince. Norsca also gets undivided Mutalith variant. Regiment of renown called Crusher, an End Times unit from lore is available to all on level 26, that’s about it. Oversight and errors are bound to be in this mod so please report them and give feedback. Thank you! the RoR head resembling the official one was an afterthought and done really quickly, might re do it eventually.


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