Incident Toggler

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Author: Sincere

Last revision: 8 Oct, 2023 at 19:52 UTC (1)

File size: 1.57 MB

On Steam Workshop


    Incident Toggler is a mod that allows players to toggle individual incidents on a savegame level. It provides an intuitive interface for enabling or disabling specific incidents, giving players greater control over their gameplay experience.

    • Displays all available incidents in a categorized list.
    • Allows players to enable or disable incidents with a simple checkbox.
    • Automatically saves and loads the enabled incident settings for each savegame.
    • Compatible with other mods that add or modify incidents.
    • Provides a "Reset" button to toggle all incidents.
    • Helps players customize their gameplay experience by choosing which incidents to encounter.



Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.