Norscan Wights – Undead Elite Chaos Units

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Author: Pwner1

Last revision: 27 Jun at 07:46 UTC (5)

File size: 114.65 MB

On Steam Workshop


Two new units, reworked mammoth into RoR.

Mass graves of defeated chaos warbands now exploited by ambitious necromancers.

Brings for undead factions powerful and varying units as well as the ultimate war engine of vampires.
Gameplay wise they are most similiar to many elite chaos units, with the usual ups and downs, less leadership, but more HP, plenty of normal units and5 regiments of renown, very open to expansion and possible units for vampire counts, much cut and content, but exhausted so I am releasing this working version.

1. Undead Marauders, (anti infantry dual axes) skeletal marauder unit, based on khorne marauders in Champions of CHaos DLC, recruitable from tier 1 skeleton building and requires growth building also.

2. Undead Huskarls, (ace and shield) basically Marauder Champions unit, minus the rage skill, tier 2 skeleton building and growth building tier 2 req.

3. Chaos Wights (halberds) chaos warriors based stats, anti large with AP damage, smae reuirements as Huskarls.

4. Chosen Revenants (anti infantry, dual axes) based on khorne dual weapon chosen, magic attacks.

5. CHosen Revenants (halberds, anti infatry, AP, magic attacks) based on chosen halberdiers.

6. Wight Champions, (magic attacks, AoE buff,) based on aspiring champions unit in every regard.

7. Chaos Hellknights (heavy cavalry, anti infantry, AP and splash magic attacks) based on chaos knights, but stats are made if there was a great weapon variant without shield.

8. Death Altar on War Mammoth (AoE buffs of many kinds, stats based on norscan mammoth unit) combines mortis engine, all corpse cart variants (balefire, unholy lodestone) and black coach all into one, bring a couple of these and no need to clog the roster with buffer units.

9. Slaanesh marked marauder RoR with halberds (charmed attacks)

10. Khorne marked Huskarl RoR (dual axes,rage,frenzy and burning attacks -10 morale)

11. Nurgle Marked CHaos Wight RoR (great weapon,horrible regeneration, contaminated effect -10 morale, cloud of flies)

12. Tzeench marked Chosen RoR (incerible missile reistance and redirecting aura, barrier and damned attack effect)

13. Flying cavalry RoR based on Royal Pegasus knights

Custom textures for chaos and chosen armor used and unused (for now) goes to X-T and Barney. Credit for base chaos balefire eyes effect and skeletal horse animations goes to basedMemes, All-is-dust and all the Skeleton Crew who worked on Necromancy mod and Templars same goes for mammoth skeleton model, will continue to work on this, please enjoy and give feedback, thanks!


Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.