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Author: Devian

Last revision: 20 Apr at 21:34 UTC (1)

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Heroes of Legend – Blood Ravens Edition Part I

This mod adds new heroic units for the Space Marines. All the characters are from Dawn of War II.

A big thanks to Jukse to let me use his base texture from his mod [JRP] SM to Blood Ravens. I made my own modification but the core is from him. If you want to replace the Vanilla Space Marines to Blood Ravens, this mod is a must.

Compatible with Too Many Voices, you must use this patch.
Compatible with Gladius+, you must use this patch.

Available in FRENCH and ENGLISH.

Regardless of the player color used, heroes will keep their own colors. They are like mercenary only available to the Space Marines in the Heroes building like vanilla heroes. The Blood Ravens comes to Gladius Prime with their own color scheme, barks, heraldic and assets to help their brothers !

==========>Link to the PART II<==========

Tarkus, Tactical Squad Sergeant

Role : Versatile/TANK

Research needed : None

Skills :

  • 1st : Tarkus deploys a tactical squad marine armed with bolter and plasma gun.
  • 2nd : Tarkus deploys a tactical squad marine armed with flame-thrower.
  • 3rd : Adds a ranged damage resistance to a nearby unit.
  • Elite : Tarkus takes and holds a position and becomes very difficult to take-down.

Traits :

  • Veteran Grenadier : Tarkus does not consume an action when using a grenade.
  • Hatred of the Eldar : Tarkus deals more damage against the Eldar.
  • Tactical Veteran : Tarkus adds ranged accuracy to nearby tactical marines.
  • Plasma Gun : In addition of his boltgun, Tarkus wields a Plasma Gun much more effective against armored targets.
  • Flame-thrower : Tarkus can wield a flame-thrower after you research the City Tier II.

Thaddeus, Assault Squad Sergeant

Role : Melee DPS/Mobility/Support

Research needed : Assault Space Marine (Tier 2)

Skills :

  • 1st : Thaddeus deploys an assault squad marine.
  • 2nd : Thaddeus jumps and strikes the infantry, stunning and wounding them.
  • 3rd : Thaddeus jumps and heals the morale and health of infantry units. They will be more tougher after this.
  • Elite : Thaddeus can use his jump pack more often (All jumpack cooldown => 1 Turn).

Traits :

  • Fury of the Chapter : When Thaddeus is wounded, he gains extra actions.
  • Hatred of the Orks : Thaddeus deals more melee damage against the Orks.
  • Assault Veteran : Thaddeus adds melee accuracy to nearby assault marines.
  • Tireless : Thaddeus heals himself each time he jumps. And after the research "Extra Infantry Armour" is done, he will gain 33% of invulnerable damage resistance for 1 Turn after each jump.

Martellus, the Techmarine

Role : Support

Research needed : Orbital relay (Tier 4) Why ? He prefers Orbital Relay, that’s all.

Skills :

  • 1st : Summon a Predator Destructor, very efficient against infantry.
  • 2nd : Summon a Predator Annihilator, very effective against vehicle and heavy armored unit.
  • 3rd : Repair an imperial ruin to establish an defensive position with heavy bolters (+ lascannon and multi-melta with the good research) who can cargo three units. More there is unit inside, more there is action available to the structure.
  • Elite : Summon a Stormraven Gunship (Initially it was a Land Raider but i was thinking about people who don’t have the DLC).

Traits :

  • Keeper of Knowledge : Martellus adds energy and research.
  • Bionics : He gains invulnerable damage reduction due to his bionics.
  • Sacred vehicle of the Chapter : Martellus can summon a Land Raider (Land Raider research needed)====>Reinforcement Pack DLC Only

Avitus, Devastator Squad Sergeant

Role : Ranged DPS

Research needed : Devastator Space Marine (Tier 3)

Skills :

  • 1st : Summons a Devastator squad armed with heavy bolter, very efficient against infantry.
  • 2nd : Summons a Devastator squad armed with plasma cannon, very effective against vehicle and heavy armored unit.
  • 3rd : Avitus gains more accuracy and attacks when he is in a ruin, outpost or city.
  • Elite : Avitus gains + 1 Range for his ranged weapons.

Traits :

  • Vengeance : When a Blood Ravens fall near Avitus, he will heal and deal more damages.
  • Devastator Veteran : Avitus adds ranged accuracy to nearby Devastators marines.
  • Hatred of the Guardsmen : Avitus deals more damage against the Astra Militarum.
  • Violent bash : Avitus, like other Devastator Blood Ravens, can bash enemy with his weapons.
  • Devastator with missile launcher : When the "Improved Frag Casings" (Tier 8) research is done, Avitus can summon Devastator with missile launcher armed with missiles for every kind of target.

Davian Thule


Research needed : Dreadnought (Tier 5)

Skills :

  • 1st : Powerful smash on the ground that stuns infantry unit and deals damage. Gains range with leveling.
  • 2nd : Adds more action points for ranged attacks. No melee/movement available.
  • 3rd : The Assault Cannon of Davian gains power.
  • Elite : Davian deactivates and heal every turn. More damage reduction and protect nearby unit.

Traits :

  • Hatred of the Chaos : Davian deals more damage against the Chaos Space Marines.
  • Purity seal : Davian is more resistant.
  • Hardened Armour : With the "Flesh is weak" upgrade, Davian gains feel no pain damage reduction.
  • Fearless : Davian fear nothing.
  • Heavy Flamethrower : Used as secondary ranged/melee weapon.

Cyrus, Scout Squad Sergeant

Escalation Pack DLC Only

Role : Ranged DPS/Offensive support

Research needed : Scout (Tier 1)

Skills :

  • 1st : Cyrus deploys a scout squad armed with sniper and shotgun.
  • 2nd : Cyrus marks a target who received more damages.
  • 3rd : Cyrus gives experience to the selected unit.
  • Elite : Powerful shot that deal great damage and stun vehicles.

Traits :

  • Hatred of Tyranids : Cyrus deals more damage against Tyranids.
  • Scout Veteran : Cyrus adds ranged accuracy to nearby scouts.
  • Member of Deatwatch : Cyrus can move after shooting.
  • Setting mine : Cyrus can setup mines (after the research).
  • Explosive cartridge : The shotgun used by Cyrus and his scout are more powerful after a research (Bolt Damage).

My other mods

More Items and Artefacts – A mod that adds new items, artefacts and relics to the game + a loot drop system.
HEROES OF LEGEND – Mods that adds new heroic units.


Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.