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Author: Greq7

Last revision: 25 May, 2021 at 15:12 UTC (2)

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On Steam Workshop

Advanced Campaign Artificial Intelligence Overhaul

Compatible with all other mods
Save game compatible
AI – Compatibility Patch is not needed in most cases but you are welcome to subscribe if you have doubts

Best results are achieved in combination with "Diplomacy", "Difficulty", "Autoresolve", "Movement", "Garrison" and "Empire" or simply subscribe to all if you want to experience the full vanilla package of campaign changes that I have been working on.
This modification is not intrusive and I claim that even though it look similar to other AI mods out there it behaves differently.
It has been developed, tested and balanced as a part of "Radious – Very Hard Campaign Overhaul" (It’s basically a submod so you don’t need it if you use that overhaul) but recently also tested in vanilla base game.

Let me know what do you think and for testing allow good couple of years (turns) to truly see what this AI can do.

Please note that diplomacy has not been changed here, only the part that AI generates priorities about what and whom to deal with and some strategic aspects of "seek and hide" on campaign map as well as attitudes. AI receives no bonuses or any handicaps in this modification!!!

– Budget and income allocations for AI has been edited. It does not give AI more money but it makes easier for it to use it’s fundings and spend more in need of diplomacy or building fleets ect. Budgeting war campaign is better and more efficient than in Vanilla.
– Higher chances of AI starting diplomacy. AI to AI and AI to player. Also its priorities are now more understandable when it happens.
– Occupation decisions has been modified making factions to suck settlements more and occupying razed lands as well as wanting to conquer if it sees opportunity. Razed lands will be colonised much more quickly but not always making it look the map changes more organic and unpredictable. Every time you start your new campaign the map changes will be completely different and more random. Some factions will fall faster than others that’s why other mods like "Faction" might be needed to bring more historic balance and keep some less important factions at bay.
– AI calculates and predicts battles outcomes similar to what inexperienced in battle player would. It looks for slight advantage before attacking taking garrisons into consideration.
– Some of its strategic components has been altered to make it slightly more chaotic and unpredictable to surprise player from time to time with attacks that may not make sense at first but to weaken players ability to defend from future attack for example from other factions where it seems like factions collaborate even if they have no official treaties.
– AI is not going to prioritise player as most important enemy (only slightly) but if player’s prestige change so does Ai’s attitude towards a player. Some other mods will improve on that and make it much more challenging and nearly impossible to conquer most of the map: "Diplomacy"+"Autoresolve"+"Faction"+"Empire"+"Progress"+"Difficulty"+"Movement". All these mods changes aspects of the game that Ai will take into serious consideration. I am not saying you need all those mods but it’s important to understand that "AI" mod will always perform differently because most of the people has different set of mods and overhauls switched on.
– Edited task management table is pushing Ai towards its own goals and progress rather than defensive stance. Its more keen to help its allies and liked neighbours and react faster to war coordinations if it can afford it (Its not its highest priority though like in other mods)
– Hordes are much more mobile, chaotic and surprising.
– Defending capital and more important regions are very important now for your Ai opponent. More often you’ll notice
that it fortifies and consolidate borders.
– Fertility of the land is less important now for its decisions.
– It’s much harder now to make AI give up and abandon its territories.
– AI will try to ambush other AI and player more often but for that you’d need "Movement" mod. You’ll notice many massages that you have discovered ambush somewhere on the map but that’s because Ai have tried it for one turn only and then it changes stance. I haven’t find a way to make it wait longer yet. So to fall into Ai’s trap is still not something that you may experience often but other AI’s armies are destroyed by this tactic here and there more frequently from my playtesting.
– AI has more goals and more extra randomly generated goals at the start of each campaign.
– 20% chance of AI to fight you at night instead of 5%
– Armies in late game sometimes will try to attack in up to 5 stacks so if AI is rich it has a chance to give player a lesson even if regions are well defended.
– Lower quality of rebels making it more realistic giving factions more advantage in keeping internal peace
– Lower weight of navy strength when analyzing strength on sea. It may affect decisions about whether to attack ports easier resulting in more aggressiveness around water.
– Allied AI would come to rescue more often. It will try to help player as well as other AI.
– Latest updates: Tweaks and improvements to AI strategic components. This optimisation will help AI with making decisions and you’ll notice that it will be much more successful in attacks and calculating potential threats and dangers to its faction. Also improved cai construction buildings priorities and small polishing tweaks…

Special Thanks to people who created AI mods before me and inspired me to tweak this aspect of the game: Junaidi83 de Bodemloze[], Minos, Xeryx, Turquoise_Falcon, PMarricks, Radious and also littleShepherd for feedback, advice and cooperation.


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