WotV Campaign Pack – 37 Maps, mobs, and skills (DE)

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Author: Wilden

Last revision: 3 Apr, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (4)

File size: 457.44 MB

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This is a pack of custom maps, mobs, and 10 huntsman arrow based skills that I’ll be using in a campaign with some friends! Currently there are a total of 36 finished maps.
These maps range from "Small" to "XXXL"
I would love for you to comment on the maps and inform me of any issues the maps may have.

NOTE about some NPCs.
Serena, Serena Redeemed, Hammond, Siktha, Regina, Lizera and Nithes do NOT detect sneaking players. This makes them ideal for use with the follower status mod from Heinz!
The other mobs range from a skeleton that breathes and bleeds deathfog to more simple things like oversized wolves and bears.
The skills included in this mod were to fill out the dissapointing lack of huntsman ability mods. So I just took some simple craftable arrows, and turned them into skills with some altered names, some have skill books and some do not. But all are available in the GM skill menu if you check the box for "Monster skills".

Balint City – A very large city with an ocean view.

Balint Sewers – The sewers beneath the city of Balint, featuring a pumping station.

Balint Wildlands – A massive forest / plains / mountain map with a small village and several points of interest. This map is what I use as the sort of "junction" of the campaign, from here players can follow the road to several of my other maps.

The Ankari Hills – A map of rollin grass hills with a little secret hidden behind an ancient door.

The Ankari Hills Populated – A version of the map with the terrain altered slightly with a camp and the interior furnished.

The Dragon Spine Mountain – A rising and broken mountain leading to an old cavern.

Vorimtae – An old cavern leading to something ancient beneath the earth.

Vorimtae Vault – An ancient secret revealed in the last of the old fortress.

Widows Isle – A lush forested island off the coast of Balint City.

Tilvit Island – A dwarven esq fortress on a frigid island of powerful ice magic.

Yevit Island – A glowing crystalized cavern on an island completely overun by rampant magic.

Crystaline Burrow – A cavern holding a great secret beneath the ice.

Kunkuni Woodlands – A forest of towering trees and a sandy beach leading to a secluded elven city.

Sylvan City – An elven themed city of bridges winding through a massive network of ancestor trees.

Sylvan Prison – A prison high in the trees outside the city of Sylvan.

Titans Rise – A towering mountain pass on the edge of the Woodlands that leads to a peak among the clouds.

Titans Peak – A mountain peak nearing a great power in the clouds.

Sieeth – A very large desert coastline with a narrow and winding canyon past a lush oasis.

Base of the Maw – The base of an active volcano known as Dragons Maw.

Heart of the Maw – A volcanos core deep in the earth, with a heart beating within.

Sundered Lands – The outside of a fortress ravaged by an earthquake that split the landscape.

Sundered Keep – A castle taken by dark forces to create a cheap imitation of lost power.

The Dead Wood – A old area of the world left to rot as deathfog over takes it from an unknown source.

Forgotten Cavern – An old cavern left derilict with a best forgotten secret within.

Balint City Corruption – Balint City overun with a vile corruption that twists everything it touches.

Underworlds Shore – The outside of a fortress on the edge of the underworld.

The Black Temple – The fortress that guards the source of all creation.

Kings Throne – An otherworldly throne perched on the source of creation.

Krakens Domain – A boss arena comlpete with functioning Kraken and tentacles.

Bandit Fort – The old watchtower in the Balint Wildlands overtaken by a bandit clan and an old terror.

Tree Root Grotto – An old cavern with the roots of the Red Grove in the Balint Wildlands winding their way through.

The Lost Archives – An ancient research center burried beneath the sands of Sieeth. Includes a pyramid in one of the rooms that teaches a skill when touched by a player! Be sure to lock or delete it if you don’t want players to have this skill.

High Top Hold – An old stone manor on the coast, long abandonded. Once the home of a wise researcher it might still bear some secerts worth learning.

The Open Sea – Just a boat in the ocean. Nothing really interesting about it.

The Glass Wastes – An arid desert canyon.

The End – A very small map, just a few floating platforms.

Holuntae – An ancient library lost to time.


Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.