Dwarfs, Empire, Bretonnia and Chorfs – End Times Escalation

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Author: Pwner1

Last revision: 20 Apr at 00:16 UTC (1)

File size: 45.07 MB

On Steam Workshop


A pack that adds low model high stat "super units" to the factions mentioned in the title. End Times Escalation is a sustitle for my mods that add these kinds of units.


-Duellists – based on tabletop officer model, primary way o damage is a pistol that fires hero bullets.4 models
-Counts Champions – leader model of Greatswords in lore – anti infantry close range AP attacker. 4 models
-Doom Prophets – Leaders of Flaggellants, anti infantry and unbreakable. 4 models
-Inner Circle Preceptors – Highest ranking knights in a knightly order, anti large AP damage. 4 models

Chaos Dwarfs.

-Crimson Conquerors, Super heavy cavalry riding wingless tauruses. 8 models
-Mechanized Sorcerers, decent fighter unit loaded with vound spells, 3 models, can break walls
-Infernal Taurus Riders, essentially unit of 3 balefire tauruses ridden by ironsworn, 3 models.
-Bull Centaur Bahaals, 3 Tauruks, nuff said.
-Deathmask Fireglaives, basically 3 castellans in single unit statwise.

-Ol’ Deadeyes, 4 rangers with weapons of a master engineer, can snipe.
-Dragonslayers, anti large with your typical slayer base, 4 models.
-Ironbeards, very tough unit based on thane mixed with ironbreakers, can throw bombs, 4 models
-Guardians of the Gate, AP damage dealer with magic attacks, 4 models.
-Grudge Thrower Formation, 12 grudge thrower, more capable crew in melee.

-Equerries, a standar sword and shield hero stats base, least powerful unit.
-Grail Pilgrims, Anti infantry AP damale dealer with flaming magic attacks.
-Paragons, Anti INfantry AP damage mounted unit
-First Knights, Hippogryph mounted anti large unit, 3 models.
-Trebuchet Formation, 12engines, better crew.

Caps increase with buildings, please report errors and give suggestions, hard to balance the prices.


Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.