Cheat Switch Civilization

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Author: Zur13

Last revision: 27 Oct, 2019 at 14:54 UTC (1)

File size: 22.53 KB

On Steam Workshop


Mod allows taking control of AI civilizations. It also allows running test games automatically (AI controls all civilizations) for desired number of turns. Beta version.

Adds a new button to the top panel near the Civilopedia button that pops up the mod window (Alt+L hotkey).

What happens when the switch button is pressed

* Your current civilization will be controlled by AI including the rest of the current turn
* AI will take actions and will do what it wants and then ends the turn
* If Autoplay turns is set to something > 0 then this much turns ALL civilizations will be controlled by AI
* After AI played selected number of turns you will get control of the selected civilization (next turn if set to 0)
* Your original civilization will be under AI control until you switch back

If you close the mod window (hotkey ESC) while Autoplay is in progress the emergency autoplay stop is executed and you will take control of your main civilization or any available civilization.

Please note

* Save the games manually if something goes bad you will be able to restore your game. Autosaves created by this mod are overwritten on every switch.

* Use with caution.

* Do not load turn autosaves which was created by the game when the Autoplay was active because in some cases the game may start to autoplay itself unstoppable.

* Try not to switch to City-states, Free Cities and Barbarians it might end badly.

* I don’t know what happens if you end the game with AI civilization, in general, it is better not to play AI civilization for long and switch back to your main civilization.

Some technical details

This mod uses functions that the developers of the game are using for their tests and it is pretty stable. I’ve played up to turn 500 without crashes periodically switching between major civilizations.


Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.