REFORGER 1993 (RealismModF)

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Welcome to REFORGER 1993.

RMF adds more content, units, and weapons under a more generous March-to-War by applying KA-50 logic to both sides of the Iron Curtain instead of just the Warsaw Pact. Aircraft loadouts and Army General TOE are the most reworked features in this mod. While the MP decks abide by a generous March-to-War, Army General abides by 1989 TOEs.

This mod is WIP. REFORGER 1993 Discord:

New Divisions

1. US 1st Cavalry Division
2. US 10th Mountain Division
3. US 3rd Infantry Division “Rock of the Marne”
4. US 1st Armored Division “Old Ironsides”
5. USSR 4th Guards “Kantemirovskaya” Tank Division
6. UK 3rd Armoured Division “Iron Sides” (WIP)
7. 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (II MEF)
8. USSR 57th Guards Motorized Rifle Division
9. West German 10th Panzer Division

U.S. Changes

1. Added new artillery rounds: M864 155mm DPICM, White Phosphorus Smoke, M712 laser-guided Copperhead rounds, and cluster ATACMS
2. Added new 2,000 lb Mk 84, GBU-24 laser guided bombs, AGM-122 Sidearm, 4 new F-16C loadouts, 2 new F-4G Wild Weasel loadouts, two new Strike Eagle loadouts, 2 new F-15C loadouts, a new F-111F loadout, and an AC-130H Spectre gunship
3. Added more AT-4s per squad and implemented M72 LAW “volley-firing,”
4. Reduced Mech Rifles from 11 to 9-man infantry squads, increased availability per card
5. Normal US Scouts have been converted into 2-man Cav Scouts. M3 Cavalry Bradleys are now a transport option for these 2-man Scouts. Chinook can now sling load TOW-Humvee and others. See Airborne changes for more details on 82nd Airborne logistics
6. TOW-2B added to M3A2 Cavalry Bradley
7. More supply availability
8. M728 CEV is also a repair vehicle
9. Realistic M1 Abrams reload speed and ranges

Warsaw Pact Changes

1. MiG-25RBF can now provide high altitude reconnaissance of possible enemy troop locations
1a. Mi-24K Hind now a transport option for Spetsnaz G.R.U
2. Higher availability on PACT artillery and tanks
4. BMP-1P, BMP-1G armed with 20 AP Konkurs instead of 16 AP Malyutka
5. New Motostrelki (SVD) squad, with a designated marksman wielding a Dragunov
6. SU-25 Frogfoot and other attack aircraft have been given more ordnance and more missiles
7. Fighter aircraft fly higher and are no longer vulnerable to SPAAG and MANPADS
8. Tandem HEAT warhead Metis-M given to VDV Metis squad, 23 AP
9. Increase in number of RPG and RPO shots for Soviet squads
10. Added a card of forward-deploy Razvedka T-80BV to Soviet divisions to model the organic reconnaissance battalion

West Germany

1. 1990 F-4F Phantom II ICE
2. Added another MG3 to Panzergrenadiers (APC). Panzergrenadiers (Marder) now use Milan 1
3. Marder 1A2 and 1A3 now use Milan 2
4. Increased Leopard 2A4 availability and decreased Leopard 2A3 availability in both divisions
5. Tornado [AT] replaced by Tornado ECR [SEAD]
6. Jaegers now have 2x G3AZ4 sniper rifles
7. Panzergrenadiers (Marder) are now 6 men instead of 5, as is historical
8. Reduced Nachschub MAN KAT from 80 to 70 points

UK Suffering Less

1. Centurion AVRE repair vehicle
2. Range and optics buff for Challengers to model their thermal imagers
3. Swingfire missile can hop over cover, allowing the launcher vehicle to be safe from return fire

Gameplay Changes

1. Units with thermals have an optics bonus
2. HP bonus of 1 for blowout panels and wet ammo storage
3. Air superiority aircraft and high altitude bombers can no longer be targeted by MANPADS
4. Ground attack aircraft with targeting pods now have ground optics
5. 20% accuracy increase for Vikhr, Hellfire, TOW-2, Konkurs, Metis, Dragon, Milan
6. Vikhr and Hellfire will now 1-shot all tanks
7. Supply vehicles with cranes have a resupply speed bonus
8. Repair vehicles will repair units faster than normal supply vehicles but without resupplying ammo and fuel
9. Improved dispersion between members of a squad
9. Infantry and tank crews of nations with all-volunteer professional militaries now start at Veterancy level 1 (Trained) instead of Level 0 (Green), to further differentiate them from conscript armies

General Deck Changes

1. All US decks now have 1 activation point per slot for air tab
2. All Soviet decks now have 1 activation point per slot for artillery tab

Army General

1. Scouts come in Bradleys as transports
2. Wing of 12x KA-50s removed
3. US divisions that historically had M1A1s (HA) now have them
4. Various other MTO&E changes


Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.